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Top rated classes: Files and Folders

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  All class groups  >  Files and Folders  >  Top rated classes (293)  

Top rated classes: Files and Folders

Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders.

  Files folder image 1. Apk Parser  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2012

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Tufan Baris YILDIRIM <e-mail contact>
Extract Application Package files in APK format

  Files folder image 2. PathParser  
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Parse URL or file paths and compute relative paths

  Files folder image 3. Nomad MIME Mail  
Author: Alejandro García González <e-mail contact>
A class for sending MIME e-mail whit SMTP Support

  Files folder image 4. QoS Bandwidth Throttle in PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2011
Number 2

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
Limit the speed of files served for download

  Files folder image 5. PHP Report  
Author: verni <e-mail contact>
Generate Excel, HTML, PDF reports from data arrays

  Files folder image 6. Easy PHP Upload  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Validate and manage files upload via Web forms

  Files folder image 7. PHP Cron Parser  
Author: Nikol S <e-mail contact>
Parse cron tab files to retrieve job schedules

  Files folder image 8. CSV Creation  
Author: Manimaran <e-mail contact>
Create CSV files from MySQL table data

  Files folder image 9. Navigator  
Author: Boutekedjiret <e-mail contact>
Browsing and manipulating directories and files

  Files folder image 10. SWF header parser  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd
Author: Carlos Falo Hervás <e-mail contact>
Parse header of Flash files to extract metadata

  Files folder image 11. dUnzip2  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Pack and unpack files packed in ZIP archives

  Files folder image 12. Dir Tool  
Author: Uwe Stein <e-mail contact>
Copy, move and delete directories trees and files

  Files folder image 13. Export Spreadsheets  
Author: Charles A. LaFleur <e-mail contact>
Create Excel spreadsheet from data in MySQL table

  Files folder image 14. Simple XLSX  
Author: Sergey Shuchkin <e-mail contact>
Parse and retrieve data from Excel XLS files

  Files folder image 15. Directory and file info  
Author: Juliette Reinders Folmer <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information about files and directories

  Files folder image 16. ID3Tag Read and Write  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2005

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Jean-Sébastien Goupil <e-mail contact>
Read and write the ID3Tag of MP3 files

  Files folder image 17. Config Magik  
Author: Benny Zaminga <e-mail contact>
Read and write .ini configuration files

  Files folder image 18. CSV to SQL database converter  
Author: Michal Palma <e-mail contact>
Import data from a CSV file into a database

  Files folder image 19. Config Tool  
Author: Marko Tapio Manninen <e-mail contact>
Read and write configuration text files

  Files folder image 20. Advanced FTP client class  
Author: Alexey Dotsenko <e-mail contact>
FTP client in pure PHP

  Files folder image 21. EFC/XFSS - Extended File Stealth System  
Author: Lopo Lencastre de Almeida <e-mail contact>
Protecting uploaded files using cryptography

  Files folder image 22. cuaderno19  
Author: Enrique David <e-mail contact>
Puede ser utilizado gratuitamente

  Files folder image 23. iniRW  
Author: Dirk Herling <e-mail contact>
INI-File management

  Files folder image 24. ftp.inc  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
FTP client implementation with socket connections

  Files folder image 25. RTF Class Code PHP  
Author: Maury <e-mail contact>
Generate documents in RTF

  Files folder image 26. PDF to JPG (Flip book)  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2009

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Satish Kumar <e-mail contact>
Convert PDF files to JPEG images using ImageMagick

  Files folder image 27. Upload and Compress  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2011

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Roberto Aleman <e-mail contact>
Add uploaded files to a ZIP archive

  Files folder image 28. Ico  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2005
Number 3
Author: Diogo Resende <e-mail contact>
Extract graphics from .ico files into PNG images

  Files folder image 29. CSV to Array  
Author: Raj Kumar Trivedi <e-mail contact>
Retrieve data from CSV file into an array

  Files folder image 30. TAR/GZIP/BZIP2/ZIP Archives  
Author: Devin Doucette <e-mail contact>
Create tar/gzip/bzip2/zip, extract tar/gzip/bzip2.

  Files folder image 31. CSV Handler  
Author: Andreas Mueller <e-mail contact>
Retrieve or change information stored in CSV files

  Files folder image 32. Binary search  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
September 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Alex Fourth <e-mail contact>
Search for data in files using binary search

  Files folder image 33. TTF Info  
Author: ZaraWebFX <e-mail contact>
Retrieve details from TrueType font files

  Files folder image 34. AJAX Web files browser  
Author: Ahmed Zamouche <e-mail contact>
Manage files on the server without page reloading

  Files folder image 35. EPub  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 9

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Asbjorn Grandt <e-mail contact>
Create ebook in EPUB format for ex. Apple iPad

  Files folder image 36. Cache library  
Author: MatheW <e-mail contact>
Cache arbitrary data in files

  Files folder image 37. Path To XML  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate XML from directory listing

  Files folder image 38. Box.net API PHP Class  
Author: Vladimir <e-mail contact>
Access files in box.net storage Web service

  Files folder image 39. IAM CSV Dump  
Author: Ivan Melgrati <e-mail contact>
Outputs SQL query results in the CSV format

  Files folder image 40. Zip  
Author: Asbjorn Grandt <e-mail contact>
Create archives of compressed files in ZIP format

  Files folder image 41. MP3 Jukebox  
Author: Ondrej Maly <e-mail contact>
Serve play lists to implement a Web based jukebox

  Files folder image 42. tail  
Author: Bastian Gorke <e-mail contact>
Get the last lines of a file as the tail command

  Files folder image 43. Easy Upload  
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
Manage files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 44. Native Excel Reader  
Author: Ruslan V. Uss <e-mail contact>
Parse and access binary Excel files in pure PHP

  Files folder image 45. class.upload.php  
Author: Colin Verot <e-mail contact>
Process files and images uploaded via a form

  Files folder image 46. FTP  
Author: Dod Pertez <e-mail contact>
Sending files to a FTP server

  Files folder image 47. Attachment Mailer class  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages with attachment files

  Files folder image 48. HTTP Download  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Server files for downloading with resume support

  Files folder image 49. IniFile  
Author: Hugo Gonçalves <e-mail contact>
Class for reading/writing INI files

  Files folder image 50. PHP SVN Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Retrieve files from an SVN repository in pure PHP

  Files folder image 51. MIME Types  
Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh <e-mail contact>
Class for retrieving MIME types and extensions.

  Files folder image 52. File cache class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Cache arbitrary data in files.

  Files folder image 53. OpenTBS  
Author: Skrol29 <e-mail contact>
make OpenOffice & Office documents using templates

  Files folder image 54. download  
Author: Klaus Pieper <e-mail contact>
Download files with the appropriate headers.

  Files folder image 55. SQL Parsing  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Parse and execute MySQL statements from a file

  Files folder image 56. Plottable Thumbnail Library  
Author: Lawliet <e-mail contact>
Generate thumbnail images with caching support.

  Files folder image 57. MsDoc Generator  
Author: Max S. Ferreira <e-mail contact>
Create Microsoft Word document without COM objects

  Files folder image 58. TinyButStrong OOo  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Olivier LOYNET <e-mail contact>
Generate OpenOffice documents from templates

  Files folder image 59. FileDB  
Author: L <e-mail contact>
Stores (binary) files in a database

  Files folder image 60. EasyUpload  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Handling of files upload via HTML forms

  Files folder image 61. Split and merge files  
Author: Arash Hemmat <e-mail contact>
Split files in pieces that can be gathered later

  Files folder image 62. File Exchange Protocol  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve remote files using HTTP

  Files folder image 63. KG Uploader Class  
Author: Muharrem ERIN <e-mail contact>
Manage multiple files uploaded with Web forms

  Files folder image 64. Text Search Replace  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Search files and replace their content

  Files folder image 65. HTML to DOC  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Convert HTML into Microsoft Word documents

  Files folder image 66. PHP FTP  
Author: Erwin Kooi <e-mail contact>
Client to access FTP servers in pure PHP code

  Files folder image 67. File Manager  
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Perform several types of file manipulation

  Files folder image 68. CSV file db  
Author: Martin Grund <e-mail contact>
Manipulation and navigation of CSV files

  Files folder image 69. WebDAV client  
Author: Chris Juerges <e-mail contact>
WebDAV client to access files in a HTTP server

  Files folder image 70. Download file  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
download any file from a server

  Files folder image 71. Image Snapshot  
Author: Jamie Curnow <e-mail contact>
Resize and crop uploaded image files

  Files folder image 72. Breadcrumbs  
Author: Richard Baskett <e-mail contact>
Show directory and file path with links

  Files folder image 73. Shape File Reader  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2004
Number 2

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Author: Juan Carlos Gonzalez <e-mail contact>
Read vectorial data from geographic shape files

  Files folder image 74. PHPXBase  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Erwin Kooi <e-mail contact>
Access dbf/foxpro files without PHP ext.

  Files folder image 75. Image Rotator  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Pick random file from a directory to display

  Files folder image 76. NYOS_ExcelWriter_simple  
Author: Sergey Sergeevich Baklanov <e-mail contact>
Generate Excel 2003 spreadsheet from array of data

  Files folder image 77. Upload Manager  
Author: Ilya Nemihin <e-mail contact>
Management of files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 78. libMail2008  
Author: Pier Luigi Pau <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail with attachments and embedded images

  Files folder image 79. Excel  
Author: alain samoun <e-mail contact>
Manipulate Excel files using the COM interface

  Files folder image 80. Spreadsheet_WriteExcel  
Author: Xavier Noguer <e-mail contact>
Classes for generating Excel files

  Files folder image 81. Zip Folder  
Author: Robert Guerin <e-mail contact>
Extract files from ZIP archives

  Files folder image 82. DBF Class  
Author: Faro K Rasyid <e-mail contact>
Extract information from a DBF database file

  Files folder image 83. HTTP Upload  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Handle files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 84. CSV managing class  
Author: Michal Palma <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve data from CSV files

  Files folder image 85. DeepDir  
Author: Ilya Nemihin <e-mail contact>
Lists files from nested dirs

  Files folder image 86. rs2csv  
Author: Sean Natoewal <e-mail contact>
Convert a MySQL record set to a CSV file.

  Files folder image 87. mdb  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2004
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Access Microsoft Access .mdb database files

  Files folder image 88. ZipLib 2  
Author: Hasin Hayder <e-mail contact>
Create .ZIP archives to pack many compressed files

  Files folder image 89. MP3 Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2009
Number 3
Author: mfboy <e-mail contact>
Manipulate MP3 audio files

  Files folder image 90. Subversion::Dynamix  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2006
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Thim <e-mail contact>
Manipulate files in a subversion repository

  Files folder image 91. Email Class (With Attachments)  
Author: Robert Pitt <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages with multiple attachments

  Files folder image 92. ODT 2 XHTML  
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Convert documents in OpenDocument format to XHTML

  Files folder image 93. Create CSV  
Author: Ellery Leung <e-mail contact>
Generate CSV files from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 94. Excel Writer  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Generate spreadsheet files Excel .xls XML format

  Files folder image 95. Site Search  
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Search server side HTML documents and image files

  Files folder image 96. Backup  
Author: Eduardo Martos Gómez <e-mail contact>
Backup directory files and MySQL databases

  Files folder image 97. Multiple file upload  
Author: Stoltenkamp <e-mail contact>
Validate and process files uploaded using forms

  Files folder image 98. File Browser  
Author: Bogdan Zarchievici <e-mail contact>
Provides a Web interface to browse server files

  Files folder image 99. Images  
Author: Gregory Brown <e-mail contact>
Manipulate JPEG image files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 100. Download Images from Google  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search images on Google and download its files

  Files folder image 101. ImageArchive  
Author: Thomas W-P <e-mail contact>
Browse directories with images to zoom or rotate

  Files folder image 102. CSV Parse and Read  
Author: Aneesh R <e-mail contact>
Parse and display data from a CSV file

  Files folder image 103. Thumbs  
Author: Ilja Müller <e-mail contact>
generate thumbnails of image files in a directory

  Files folder image 104. FTP Folder Copy or Delete  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Abdul-Aziz Al-Oraij <e-mail contact>
Copy or delete directories in a FTP server

  Files folder image 105. FLV Metadata  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2010
Number 2

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Author: Amin Saeidi <e-mail contact>
Get metadata from Flash video files

  Files folder image 106. Application Update  
Author: Alex Savin <e-mail contact>
Update application files

  Files folder image 107. HttpPostUpload  
Author: Michael Plies <e-mail contact>
Securely upload one or more files

  Files folder image 108. Secure Media  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Florian Metzger <e-mail contact>
Protect Flash files from hotlinking by other sites

  Files folder image 109. Project Estimator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2006
Number 8

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Get the number of lines and characters from files

  Files folder image 110. Compare Files  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Compare two text files and show different lines

  Files folder image 111. Easy Grid  
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Display and edit data grids using AJAX

  Files folder image 112. ID3 Tag Reader  
Author: Tadeu Oliveira <e-mail contact>
A php class to read information from mp3 files

  Files folder image 113. Private Sessions  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Store sessions in a private directory or database

  Files folder image 114. Folder bot  
Author: Jean-Georges Estiot <e-mail contact>
Scans through a folder with option to recurse

  Files folder image 115. PHP Multiplexed I/O  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2007
Number 4
Author: Robert Young <e-mail contact>
Manage multiple simultaneous network connections

  Files folder image 116. Logger class to write all at once  
Author: Sudhir Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Log activity to files buffering the messages

  Files folder image 117. Class Loader  
Author: Patxi Echarte <e-mail contact>
Locate and load class files from a list of paths

  Files folder image 118. MS-Excel Stream Handler  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2004

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Ignatius Teo <e-mail contact>
Stream wrapper to read and write MS Excel files

  Files folder image 119. Multi Upload  
Author: Paul.Ren <e-mail contact>
Manage multiple files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 120. OpenOffice 2 HTML  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
September 2005

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Convert OpenOffice Writer documents to HTML

  Files folder image 121. CMP3Split  
Author: Felix-Gabriel Gangu <e-mail contact>
A nice class for splitting MP3 files by setting a splitpoint in seconds.

  Files folder image 122. CSV Reader  
Author: Nicolas BUI <e-mail contact>
Parse a CSV file and its data rows

  Files folder image 123. A simple ini parser  
Author: Enrico Reinsdorf <e-mail contact>
Read and write .INI configuration files

  Files folder image 124. Image  
Author: Senk Jozsef <e-mail contact>
Manage and resize uploaded image files

  Files folder image 125. Image Upload and Validation  
Author: Tareq Hasan <e-mail contact>
Validate and process uploaded image files

  Files folder image 126. Thumbnails Creation  
Author: Alfred R. Baudisch <e-mail contact>
Generate smooth thumbnail images

  Files folder image 127. upload.inc.php  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Validate and manage files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 128. Create ZIP File  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Create ZIP file archives and serve for download

  Files folder image 129. csv2mysql database migration tool  
Author: Mark Williamson <e-mail contact>
convert fields in a csv into SQL

  Files folder image 130. File Icon  
Author: Hadar Porat <e-mail contact>
Get the icon and other types of file metadata

  Files folder image 131. File class  
Author: Sven Wagener <e-mail contact>
File manipulation and form upload handling

  Files folder image 132. INI Manager  
Author: zandor <e-mail contact>
Manipulate configuration files in the ini format

  Files folder image 133. Session Lister  
Author: Logan Dugenoux <e-mail contact>
Lists all concurrent sessions off a site

  Files folder image 134. ADODB SQL 2 Excel  
Author: Rubens <e-mail contact>
Export SQL query results to Excel files with ADODB

  Files folder image 135. myFat  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Mirko Mönninghoff <e-mail contact>
Store binaries in a MySQL based virtual hard drive

  Files folder image 136. File Display  
Author: Gregory Lane <e-mail contact>
Displays listings of files and directories

  Files folder image 137. File upload class  
Author: Andrey Yasinetskiy <e-mail contact>
Handle files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 138. Easy upload resize thumb image  
Author: ubaidullah khan <e-mail contact>
Resize uploaded image files

  Files folder image 139. ABrowser Class  
Author: George Clarke <e-mail contact>
Browse server side files and folders

  Files folder image 140. Simple Secure Upload  
Author: Marcos Thiago M. Fabis <e-mail contact>
Manage file uploads via forms with security checks

  Files folder image 141. htaccess  
Author: Sven Wagener <e-mail contact>
Management of htaccess files for Apache Web server

  Files folder image 142. FTP Class  
Author: Paul.Ren <e-mail contact>
Retrieve or send files or strings data via FTP

  Files folder image 143. Class.DB.php  
Author: Ron Barnett <e-mail contact>
Database based on text CSV files

  Files folder image 144. PHP PSD Reader  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2007
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Tim de Koning <e-mail contact>
Open images in the PhotoShop PSD format

  Files folder image 145. Bf_Download  
Author: Mourad Boufarguine <e-mail contact>
Serve files for download with resume support

  Files folder image 146. ImgMan  
Author: Andrés Ortiz <e-mail contact>
Process multiple images at once

  Files folder image 147. fileWriter  
Author: poekel <e-mail contact>
create folder, write in file

  Files folder image 148. Random Image from Folders  
Author: Andrzej Krokos <e-mail contact>
Display a random image from a directory

  Files folder image 149. SQL to Excel  
Author: dzaiacuck <e-mail contact>
Export database table records in Excel XLS format

  Files folder image 150. csv_bv  
Author: Ben Vautier <e-mail contact>
Retrieve data from CSV files (Ms Excel too)

  Files folder image 151. AJAX File Uploader  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Browse files uploaded without page reloading

  Files folder image 152. SimpleDB  
Author: Roberto Bertó <e-mail contact>
Store and read arrays from file based databases

  Files folder image 153. Class Packager  
Author: badrus said <e-mail contact>
This class will pack your directories and files

  Files folder image 154. List content of directory  
Author: Huynh Hai Huynh <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the list of files of a directory

  Files folder image 155. Check backup  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2008
Number 7
Author: zengwenjie <e-mail contact>
Manage backup copies of files

  Files folder image 156. GenPDF  
Author: Jeff Redding <e-mail contact>
Generate block oriented PDF documents

  Files folder image 157. csvwalk  
Author: Martin A. Gutbrod <e-mail contact>
help in reading csv-files

  Files folder image 158. 3SS FTP  
Author: Brant Messenger <e-mail contact>
Move/Copy files using FTP

  Files folder image 159. MySQL to CSV file formatter  
Author: satyam <e-mail contact>
Export MySQL query results to a CSV file

  Files folder image 160. Image Resize Class  
Author: Sujay Bhowmick <e-mail contact>
Resize image from files in different formats

  Files folder image 161. Files_DirectoryListing  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Browse directories and their files

  Files folder image 162. Torrent RW  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2008
Number 4

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: adrien gibrat <e-mail contact>
Create and parse Torrent files

  Files folder image 163. Excel XML Parser  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 9
Author: Andrew Aculana <e-mail contact>
Read and write data to Excel XML worksheets

  Files folder image 164. Server Navigator  
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Browse server side files and folders

  Files folder image 165. File Uploading Web interface  
Author: M.G.Ranga Pathmasiri <e-mail contact>
Simple file uploading form handling

  Files folder image 166. TAR File Manager  
Author: Josh Barger <e-mail contact>
A PHP Implementation of the TAR Format manager.

  Files folder image 167. aFiles  
Author: Sylvain Rabot <e-mail contact>
Manipulate files and folders

  Files folder image 168. DirectoryBrowser  
Author: chris <e-mail contact>
A class + template system for exploring a file sys

  Files folder image 169. PHP Cron  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2005

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Mick Sear <e-mail contact>
Parse cron schedules to find when cron job ran

  Files folder image 170. CsvParser  
Author: Stanislav Karchebny <e-mail contact>
Simple CSV parser

  Files folder image 171. ods-php  
Author: Jose Carlos Norte <e-mail contact>
Read and write spreadsheet files in the ODS format

  Files folder image 172. FileBrowser  
Author: sudhir vishwakarma <e-mail contact>
Browse and manipulate files

  Files folder image 173. Upload Class  
Author: Hasan Yasar <e-mail contact>
File upload handling with image rescaling support

  Files folder image 174. Search File Contents  
Author: Nick Pap <e-mail contact>
Search files in a directory for a given text

  Files folder image 175. FTP object  
Author: Carlos Falo Hervás <e-mail contact>
FTP client wrapper

  Files folder image 176. Curl File Uploader  
Author: Abhishek Kumar Srivastava <e-mail contact>
Upload files via HTTP POST using Curl

  Files folder image 177. WebExplore  
Author: Anirban Bhattacharya <e-mail contact>
Browse and manage files on the Web

  Files folder image 178. sql2excel  
Author: Erh-Wen,Kuo <e-mail contact>
Easy way to stream Mysql sql content to Excel.

  Files folder image 179. Config Manager  
Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh <e-mail contact>
Sorry, no longer supported

  Files folder image 180. File Searcher  
Author: Cristian Rusu <e-mail contact>
Search for files in directories recursively

  Files folder image 181. Upload FTP  
Author: Michael Rondero <e-mail contact>
Upload files to an FTP server

  Files folder image 182. Advanced Upload Class  
Author: Mark Davidson <e-mail contact>
Process forms for uploading multiple files

  Files folder image 183. Safe Upload  
Author: Ahmed Selim [ Mr.Ajax ] <e-mail contact>
Process files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 184. MIME Mail Decoder  
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and decode messages from a POP3 account

  Files folder image 185. BinPacker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2004
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Zafar Iqbal <e-mail contact>
Pack files without exceeding a given size limit

  Files folder image 186. Zip File  
Author: Joshua Townsend <e-mail contact>
Create and extract ZIP archives in purely in PHP

  Files folder image 187. PHP Registry  
Author: Richard <e-mail contact>
Store configuration key values in registry files

  Files folder image 188. XUpload  
Author: David Asin Sanchez <e-mail contact>
This class lets you manage your file uploads very quickly and easily.

  Files folder image 189. pDB  
Author: Benny Zaminga <e-mail contact>
File based database SQL engine in pure PHP

  Files folder image 190. file2menu  
Author: Nick Pap <e-mail contact>
Read a directory and display the content as links

  Files folder image 191. Protect picture  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Protect the path of yours pictures

  Files folder image 192. CSV  
Author: Waldemar Derr <e-mail contact>
A class for import comma separated and fixed files

  Files folder image 193. Zip and File Splitter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2004
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Zip & split large file into smaller parts.

  Files folder image 194. Mail Attach  
Author: Wilson Gomes <e-mail contact>
Compose and send email message with attached files

  Files folder image 195. Arvore Pastas  
Author: Paulo Afonso <e-mail contact>
Display directory file listing as a tree

  Files folder image 196. ical parser  
Author: paul <e-mail contact>
Parse event calendar files in iCal format

  Files folder image 197. Easy Archives  
Author: alban.lopez <e-mail contact>
Manage tar, gzip, bzip2 and zip archives

  Files folder image 198. CSV Iterator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2009
Number 6

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Author: Sam Shull <e-mail contact>
Manipulate data in CSV files as if they are arrays

  Files folder image 199. Samba Web Client  
Author: Victor M Varela <e-mail contact>
Web frontend to access Windows shares via Samba

  Files folder image 200. Search and Replace  
Author: Richard Heyes <e-mail contact>
Class to enable search/replace of files.

  Files folder image 201. LineCount  
Author: Jake M <e-mail contact>
Calculates the total lines of code in a directory

  Files folder image 202. Quick CSV import  
Author: Alexander Skakunov <e-mail contact>
Import CSV data into a MySQL database table

  Files folder image 203. class.jfile.php  
Author: Jani Mikkonen <e-mail contact>
jfile class is a wrapper class for fopen/fclose and flock.

  Files folder image 204. Mht File Maker  
Author: Wudi <e-mail contact>
Build MHT MIME archives from lists of files

  Files folder image 205. 3SS Sync File  
Author: Brant Messenger <e-mail contact>
Update a local file retrieved from a remote server

  Files folder image 206. PHP 2 Install  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2005

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: helmut kemper <e-mail contact>
Generate PHP script archives for site installation

  Files folder image 207. HTML to PDF  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Convert HTML to PDF using Web services

  Files folder image 208. CDir  
Author: Hannes Dorn <e-mail contact>
Class for reading a directory structure.

  Files folder image 209. AutoRSS  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2009
Number 7

Prize: One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
Author: Roberto Aleman <e-mail contact>
Generate a RSS feed from files of a directory

  Files folder image 210. MP3 ID3 v1.x Read and Write  
Author: Fatih Hood <e-mail contact>
Read and write ID3 v1.0 and v1.1 tags of MP3 files

  Files folder image 211. Access Counter  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Count and display page accesses stored in files

  Files folder image 212. Configurator  
Author: James Glenlake <e-mail contact>
Handling Apache style configuration files

  Files folder image 213. FileManipulation  
Author: Boris Penck <e-mail contact>
With this class you can easily access text files (read/write).

  Files folder image 214. Burn CD with PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2009
Number 3
Author: Korosh Raoufi <e-mail contact>
Burn CD using CreateCD Windows program

  Files folder image 215. iCalendar Parser  
Author: Roman Ožana <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract event information from iCalendar

  Files folder image 216. Uploader  
Author: L <e-mail contact>
Class for handling file uploads

  Files folder image 217. Read POP3/IMAP attachment  
Author: Jijomon Thottungalthara <e-mail contact>
Retrieve attachments from messages in a mailbox

  Files folder image 218. Explorer  
Author: marcelo entraigas <e-mail contact>
Browse server side directories and files

  Files folder image 219. File Upload  
Author: Andrew Rau <e-mail contact>
Validate and process files uploaded with Web forms

  Files folder image 220. No Direct Links!  
Author: Hayk Chamyan <e-mail contact>
Class to control the process of downloading files

  Files folder image 221. File Uploader  
Author: Jeffrey Johns <e-mail contact>
Complete file uploading class

  Files folder image 222. PHP Upload  
Author: Mauro De Giorgi <e-mail contact>
Class to upload a file and, for images, create the

  Files folder image 223. class UpLoad  
Author: Wonder Alexandre Luz Alves <e-mail contact>
File upload handling with image preview support

  Files folder image 224. Perfect Database File 2  
Author: Eduardo Henrique Molina da Cruz <e-mail contact>
File based database manager with SQL query support

  Files folder image 225. Easy ODS Read  
Author: Ovidiu Mihalas <e-mail contact>
Retrieve data from OpenOffice spreadsheet files

  Files folder image 226. URHere  
Author: Flinn <e-mail contact>
Site > Directory > Page

  Files folder image 227. TailFile  
Author: Matt Frederico <e-mail contact>
Emulates UNIX "tail -f" command

  Files folder image 228. Get Files  
Author: Juliano Carlos da Silva <e-mail contact>
Retrieve all files in in a directory recursively

  Files folder image 229. phpCSV  
Author: Mike Leigh <e-mail contact>
Read data from CSV files into arrays

  Files folder image 230. Upload  
Author: chris <e-mail contact>
The Upload class is a wrapper for uploading files using html forms.

  Files folder image 231. RTF Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Thomas Graham <e-mail contact>
Create RTF documents from HTML

  Files folder image 232. Text2Array  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Convert tabular text data or file to an array

  Files folder image 233. PDF Text Extractor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2010
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: joeri <e-mail contact>
Extract text from PDF files

  Files folder image 234. Audio_Playlist  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Create play list files in multiple formats

  Files folder image 235. Rename  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Rename all files from directory

  Files folder image 236. FTP best class  
Author: Kristian Feldsam <e-mail contact>
Recursive Upload and download files via FTP

  Files folder image 237. Recursive Directory Scan  
Author: Rey Ramos <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the listing of a directory recursively

  Files folder image 238. PclZip  
Author: Vincent Blavet <e-mail contact>
Create and extract ZIP compressed archives

  Files folder image 239. Web Site and Database Backup  
Author: Muhammad Sohail Khan <e-mail contact>
Take backup copies of files and MySQL databases

  Files folder image 240. YouTube Downloader  
Author: evolution <e-mail contact>
Download videos from YouTube

  Files folder image 241. PHP Mime Type Class  
Author: Robert Widdick <e-mail contact>
Determine the MIME type of a file

  Files folder image 242. Resizer  
Author: Estefano Salazar <e-mail contact>
Handle and process uploaded images

  Files folder image 243. Read Ini Files  
Author: Marcelo Costales <e-mail contact>
Parse ini files and extract key values

  Files folder image 244. Class Path Locator  
Author: Cornelius Bolten <e-mail contact>
Locate and include a file from a path list

  Files folder image 245. File PHP  
Author: Florian Sax <e-mail contact>
Web based manager to browse the server file system

  Files folder image 246. SQL 2 PDF Report  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate PDF documents from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 247. Excel convertor  
Author: Umesh Rai <e-mail contact>
Read data from Excel files using COM objects

  Files folder image 248. OpenOffice Spreadsheet Generation  
Author: rekam <e-mail contact>
Generate of OpenOffice spreadsheet documents

  Files folder image 249. Mp3 & ID3 tag parser  
Author: marty sejba <e-mail contact>
A small function which can determine ID3 tag from MP3 file also it will get informations from mp3 header.

  Files folder image 250. Hybrid Upload Class  
Author: Mhyk Duterte <e-mail contact>
Validate and process files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 251. Easy Excel  
Author: Rafael de Pablo <e-mail contact>
Output Excel sheets and charts from data in MySQL

  Files folder image 252. adv_csv  
Author: Tomasz Malewski <e-mail contact>
Export and import data in CSV from HTML or MySQL

  Files folder image 253. Parser  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Parses Windows-like config file.

  Files folder image 254. class.file.php  
Author: Antoine Bouet <e-mail contact>
Handles actions and the characteristics of a file

  Files folder image 255. Easy Download  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Serve a file for download with a PHP script

  Files folder image 256. MyUpload  
Author: pierre-yves lemaire <e-mail contact>
Class to upload file to the web server.

  Files folder image 257. PHP_FTP  
Author: Ryan Flynn <e-mail contact>
Alot of people have asked for VERY simple FTP functionality with PHP, so here it is.

  Files folder image 258. Excel Reader  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2007
Number 3

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: khalil Majdalawi <e-mail contact>
Access Excel spreadsheets as databases using ODBC

  Files folder image 259. convert images to base64 string or file  
Author: Andrzej Krokos <e-mail contact>
Convert image files to base64 strings

  Files folder image 260. Quicktime Reference Movie  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2004
Number 7
Author: Juergen Enge <e-mail contact>
Generate Quicktime Reference Movie files

  Files folder image 261. String Searcher  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Search for text in files of any size

  Files folder image 262. CSV Tokenizer  
Author: Blaine Simpson <e-mail contact>
Parse CSV files tokening data lines

  Files folder image 263. csvFieldDump  
Author: Mark Williamson <e-mail contact>
Pull only the fields you want from a csv file.

  Files folder image 264. Remote Content retriever  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Remote Content retrieves remote URL or local file.

  Files folder image 265. php directory explorer  
Author: Marius Buivydas <e-mail contact>
Browse a given directory

  Files folder image 266. File Uploading with Description  
Author: Adomas Rimeika <e-mail contact>
Manage file uploading forms with description texts

  Files folder image 267. Directory list class  
Author: Robert Boone <e-mail contact>
A basic class to list the contents of a directory.

  Files folder image 268. Simple Server File Browser  
Author: Jan Kowalski <e-mail contact>
Browse server side files with access protection

  Files folder image 269. Another directory list class  
Author: Andy Gajetzki <e-mail contact>
Yet another directory list class

  Files folder image 270. ClassDirectory  
Author: Alone In The Dark <e-mail contact>
Creating and acessing file system directories

  Files folder image 271. jFileDir  
Author: Johan De Klerk <e-mail contact>
File and directory handling

  Files folder image 272. Ini File Reader  
Author: Scott Christensen <e-mail contact>
This class allows one to read and modify files using the INI file format.

  Files folder image 273. Mr. FTP  
Author: James Glenlake <e-mail contact>
Setup FTP connections and transfer files

  Files folder image 274. psxlsgen  
Author: Erol Ozcan <e-mail contact>
Generate simple MS Excel files (xls).

  Files folder image 275. File Split  
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Split text files in multiple parts

  Files folder image 276. Smarty Template Control  
Author: Mohammed Q. Hussain <e-mail contact>
Web interface to create and edit text files

  Files folder image 277. Making VCARD from a CSV file  
Author: James Murathimi <e-mail contact>
Generate VCARD contact files from CSV file data

  Files folder image 278. MySql To Excel  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Export data from a MySQL database to Excel files

  Files folder image 279. ExcelRead_FR  
Author: Goyard <e-mail contact>
Read an Excel spreadsheet.

  Files folder image 280. Content Manager  
Author: eikron morgauin <e-mail contact>
Content Manager based on local files

  Files folder image 281. Robopages  
Author: Colin Sandy Pittendrigh <e-mail contact>
Robotic, recursive website pages

  Files folder image 282. php_ftp_class  
Author: Max V. Moiseenko <e-mail contact>
Class that connects to a FTP server to work with files and directores.

  Files folder image 283. mimetype  
Author: Jason Sheets <e-mail contact>
Mime Type Detection

  Files folder image 284. Create Sitemap  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Generate of map of the files of a directory in XML

  Files folder image 285. Export PDF  
Author: karikalan <e-mail contact>
Generate a PDF file with a listing of data records

  Files folder image 286. INI File Parser  
Author: Roy Cunningham <e-mail contact>
Parse INI files into an array

  Files folder image 287. RTF Parse class  
Author: Saorlina <e-mail contact>
RTF to HTML converter with latin character support

  Files folder image 288. HTML 2 PDF Report  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate PDF documents from HTML pages

  Files folder image 289. SQL Import  
Author: Ruben Crespo <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries imported from a file

  Files folder image 290. Grep Simulator  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search for text in files like the Unix grep tool

  Files folder image 291. file system browser  
Author: Justin Koivisto <e-mail contact>
This is just a handy little class (with example) that allows a user browse a unix file system when PHP is not in safe mode.

  Files folder image 292. Aboyon File Management  
Author: Jorge D. Silveira <e-mail contact>
Manipulate files and directories

  Files folder image 293. PDF to image converter using PHP  
Author: Gourab Singha <e-mail contact>
Convert PDF documents to images using Ghostscript

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