PHP Classes

Classes of Jan Kowalski

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Picture of Jan Kowalski
Name: Jan Kowalski <contact>
Classes: 1
Country: Poland Poland
Age: 44
All time rank: 169342 in Poland Poland
Week rank: 185 Up3 in Poland Poland Up
All time users: 1704
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image Simple Server File Browser  
Browse server side files with access protection
This class can provide an interface to browse server side files.

It can generate listings with links to the URLs of page to show each file or directory. The directories are only accessed if a secret hash value generated by the class is passed in the directory link URL. This way the class can protect the access to directories with paths guessed by the users.

The files are listed as links that generated dynamically. The images are also displayed dynamically when the respective links are clicked.

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