PHP Classes

Classes of Cesar D. Rodas

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Cesar D. Rodas (38)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Cesar D. Rodas
Name: Cesar D. Rodas is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Cesar D. Rodas .
Classes: 38
Country: Paraguay Paraguay
Age: 36
All time rank: 71 in Paraguay Paraguay
Week rank: 59 Down1 in Paraguay Paraguay Equal
All time users: 55233
Week users: 1
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 25x

Winner: 5x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Akismet class  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2008

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Check whether a text is spam using Akismet service

  Files folder image Amazon S3 Stream Wrapper  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2007
Number 7
Stream wrapper to get and send files to Amazon S3

  Files folder image Auto Ajax  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Update page parts with AJAX when links are clicked

  Files folder image Autocomplete  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2013
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Suggest words to complete search using edge n-gram

  Files folder image Bayesian Spam Filter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2007
Number 3
Detect spam in text using Bayesian techniques

  Files folder image Binary serialization  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2009
Number 4

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Serialize and unserialize values in binary format

  Files folder image CRUD Class  
Generate pages to list and edit database records

  Files folder image Database Abstraction Layer  
SQL database abstraction layer

  Files folder image DNServer  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
March 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Implement a DNS server in pure PHP

  Files folder image Dynamic Method  
Dynamically add functions to objects

  Files folder image File Exchange Protocol  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Store and retrieve remote files using HTTP

  Files folder image From Browser - Youtube Upload  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Upload videos to YouTube from another site forms

  Files folder image gAjax  
Execute PHP functions from Javascript using AJAX

  Files folder image gCache  
Capture and cache Web page content

  Files folder image gFeed  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2007
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Stream wrapper to read and write RSS feeds

  Files folder image gHttp  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2007
Number 10
Stream wrapper to send HTTP POST and GET requests

  Files folder image gLogin  
Encode password fields before submitting forms

  Files folder image GNU/Linux Stats  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2008
Number 8

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Retrieve information about Linux systems

  Files folder image gStats  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Keep track of site visits and link clicks

  Files folder image Guaranix Full Text  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Index text documents for full text searching

  Files folder image guaranix Rank  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2006
Number 8

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Implementation of the Google page rank algorithm

  Files folder image guaranix URL  
Compare URLs and compute relative URIs

  Files folder image gWidgets  
Make HTML page sections into draggable blocks

  Files folder image Haanga  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2010
Number 3

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Template engine to process Django style templates

  Files folder image JSON  
Serialize and unserialize values in JSON format

  Files folder image MongoFS  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 7

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Store and get data in MongoDB GridFS like files

  Files folder image Persistent Array  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2008
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Access flat file databases like arrays

  Files folder image PHP Ajax  
Manage AJAX applications with only PHP code

  Files folder image PHP CVS Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2007
Number 8
Retrieve files from a CVS repository in pure PHP

  Files folder image PHP Git  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2009
Number 6

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Retrieve project files from GIT repositories

  Files folder image PHP JSON API Server  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2017
Number 5

Prize: One ebook of choice by Packt
Handle REST API requests with functions in scripts

  Files folder image PHP poppassd client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 10
Change password of users with poppassd protocol

  Files folder image PHP SVN Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Retrieve files from an SVN repository in pure PHP

  Files folder image PHPCached  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 5

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
memcache client in pure PHP

  Files folder image RodaSpell  
Correct text spelling using a SQL database

  Files folder image Text Cat  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Guess the language of a given text

  Files folder image Url Rewriter  
Redirect requests according URL rewriting rules

  Files folder image WAP Push  
Send WAP push messages through a push gateway

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z