PHP Classes

Easy Grid: Display and edit data grids using AJAX

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  Author Author  
Picture of Dmitry Sheiko
Name: Dmitry Sheiko <contact>
Classes: 9 packages by
Country: Belarus Belarus
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x

Winner: 1x

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This package can be used to display and data grids using AJAX.

It uses Yahoo User interface library Javascript classes to perform AJAX requests.

A Javascript script calls Yahoo UI libraries to load the data for the table from the server.

The same Javascript script performs the AJAX interaction with the PHP script that includes the PHP class.

This PHP class accesses an CSV file with the data to be displayed and edited in the grid.

The grid supports column sorting, data filtering, pagination and context menu that appears when the menu mouse button is clicked.

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Name: Easy Grid
Base name: easygrid
Description: Display and edit data grids using AJAX
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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Group folder image Files and Folders Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders View top rated classes
Group folder image AJAX Interact with the Web server without page reloading View top rated classes

  Files folder image Screenshots  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file easygrid1.jpg Screen Grid Model

  Tutorial videos and presentations  
How to use Easy Grid
Title Description Duration
Video How to use Easy Grid Video tutorial of AJAX-based GRID free / open source package at 00:00:26

  Pages that reference this package  
AJAX Data Grid
Nothing to interesting, more or less a reminder for me about a neato PHP class that I can use on numerous sites to manage reference tables. Firefox 2.0 is super cool with its neat auto spell checker. It makes my bloggage teh precise...

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  Applications that use this package  
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  Related pages  
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Easy Grid Demonstration

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Image file arr_bottom.gif Icon Sample icon
Image file arr_top.gif Icon Sample icon
Image file contextm_icon.gif Icon icon
Image file contextm_lbg.gif Icon icon
Plain text file db_controller.php Class sample of grid controller with DB interface
Plain text file easygrid.js Data JS library
Plain text file easygrid_contextmenu.js Data context menu library
Plain text file file_controller.php Class Sample of grid controller with file-flat interface
HTML file grid.html Data Sample HTML
Plain text file readme.txt Data readme
Plain text file sample.csv Data Sample data source (VDB)
Plain text file sample.sql Example Sample of grid data source (MySQL)

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