PHP Classes

ID3Tag Read and Write: Read and write the ID3Tag of MP3 files

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2005-07-26 (12 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 71%Total: 3,242 This week: 1All time: 1,061 This week: 672Up
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id3tag 1.0.0Custom (specified...Files and Folders, Audio
Description Author

This package can read and write the tags of files in MP3 format or other format that support id3tag.

It can read and write several types of tags. This package supports tags of the specification versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.4.

The ID3 Web site documents all the types of tag frames allowed in the specification version 2.4.

One interesting frame supported by this package is APIC, that allows to put a picture into the file.


MP3 APIC to Web from shoutcast DSP
Parse the shoutcast stream and extract the APIC

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2005

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
MPEG Audio Layer 3 (also known as MP3) is a popular format for distributing music or audio clips.

Besides the actual audio sample data, this format may include metadata in a format known as ID3, that describes various details of the information contained in a MP3 stream.

This class provides an advanced solution to dissect an MP3 file and view or change details of many types of ID3 metadata frames defined by the specifications upto the version 2.4.

Manuel Lemos
Name: Jean-Sébastien Goupil <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: Canada Canada
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

Winner: 1x

The main classes of this project are
mp3_id3v2.php, mp3_id3v11.php and mp3_id3v10.php
You can use only these files to read/write information to put on your website
All the other files are provided to manage correctly id3v2.4's frames
Check minimal.php file to understand the minimal commands to read
tags from id3v1 and id3v2

Les classes principales dans ce projet sont
mp3_id3v2.php, mp3_id3v11.php et mp3_id3v10.php
Vous pouvez utiliser seulement ces fichiers pour lire/écrire des informations
à mettre sur votre site web
Tous les autres fichiers sont fournis pour gérer correctement toutes les frames de id3v2.4
Jetez un oeil sur minimal.php pour comprendre les commandes minimales pour lire
les tags id3v1 et id3v2
  • screenshot.gif
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageimages (2 files)
Files folder imagemodules (7 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imagemusic (1 file)
Plain text file flag.php Doc. Explanation of Flags (Tag2.x)
Plain text file image.php Aux. Show the image in APIC and COMR
Plain text file index.php Appl. Displays the start tables to modify tags
Plain text file LICENCE Lic. Licence
Plain text file minimal.php Example Example to use class with minimal code
Plain text file README.txt Doc. README
Plain text file style.css Data Style for display
Plain text file tag1.php Appl. Table for editing tagv1.1
Plain text file tag2.php Appl. Table for editing tagv2.x

  Files folder image Files  /  images  
File Role Description
  Image file x.gif Icon Delete Image
  Image file x_gray.gif Icon Delete Image (Gray)

  Files folder image Files  /  modules  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclass (6 files, 1 directory)
  Plain text file config.php Conf. Configuration File
  Plain text file footer.php Appl. Footer File (called at the end of the script)
  Plain text file function.php Appl. Functions File
  Plain text file header.php Appl. Header File (called at the start of the script)
  Plain text file menu1.php Appl. Menu Start
  Plain text file menu2.php Appl. Menu End
  Plain text file system.php Appl. System file (fill some header configurations)

  Files folder image Files  /  modules  /  class  
File Role Description
Files folder imageid3 (97 files)
  Plain text file LSTable.php Class LSTable to create dynamically tables
  Plain text file mp3_id3v10.php Class Main Class to modify ID3v1.0 Tags
  Plain text file mp3_id3v11.php Class Main Class to modify ID3v1.1 Tags
  Plain text file mp3_id3v2.php Class Main Class to modify ID3v2.x Tags
  Plain text file Table_template.php Class Template to display tables (With LSTable.php)
  Plain text file TagValue.php Class TagValue that contains frame data. Required. Act like a struct

  Files folder image Files  /  modules  /  class  /  id3  
File Role Description
  Plain text file frame.php Class Abstract class that contains all default methods
  Plain text file frame_AENC.php Class Frame AENC
  Plain text file frame_APIC.php Class Frame APIC
  Plain text file frame_ASPI.php Class Frame ASPI
  Plain text file frame_COMM.php Class Frame COMM
  Plain text file frame_COMR.php Class Frame COMR
  Plain text file frame_ENCR.php Class Frame ENCR
  Plain text file frame_EQU2.php Class Frame EQU2
  Plain text file frame_EQUA.php Class Frame EQUA
  Plain text file frame_ETCO.php Class Frame ETCO
  Plain text file frame_GEOB.php Class Frame GEOB
  Plain text file frame_GRID.php Class Frame GRID
  Plain text file frame_IPLS.php Class Frame IPLS
  Plain text file frame_LINK.php Class Frame LINK
  Plain text file frame_MCDI.php Class Frame MCDI
  Plain text file frame_MLLT.php Class Frame MLLT
  Plain text file frame_NOTSUPPORTED.php Class Frame "Mother" not supported
  Plain text file frame_OTHER.php Class Frame that supports other (user defined)
  Plain text file frame_OWNE.php Class Frame OWNE
  Plain text file frame_PCNT.php Class Frame PCNT
  Plain text file frame_POPM.php Class Frame POPM
  Plain text file frame_POSS.php Class Frame POSS
  Plain text file frame_PRIV.php Class Frame PRIV
  Plain text file frame_RBUF.php Class Frame RBUF
  Plain text file frame_RVA2.php Class Frame RVA2
  Plain text file frame_RVAD.php Class Frame RVAD
  Plain text file frame_RVRB.php Class Frame RVRB
  Plain text file frame_SEEK.php Class Frame SEEK
  Plain text file frame_SIGN.php Class Frame SIGN
  Plain text file frame_SYLT.php Class Frame SYLT
  Plain text file frame_SYTC.php Class Frame SYTC
  Plain text file frame_T.php Class Frame "Mother" that holds all Txxx type of frame
  Plain text file frame_TALB.php Class Frame TALB
  Plain text file frame_TBPM.php Class Frame TBPM
  Plain text file frame_TCOM.php Class Frame TCOM
  Plain text file frame_TCON.php Class Frame TCON
  Plain text file frame_TCOP.php Class Frame TCOP
  Plain text file frame_TDAT.php Class Frame TDAT
  Plain text file frame_TDEN.php Class Frame TDEN
  Plain text file frame_TDLY.php Class Frame TDLY
  Plain text file frame_TDOR.php Class Frame TDOR
  Plain text file frame_TDRC.php Class Frame TDRC
  Plain text file frame_TDRL.php Class Frame TDRL
  Plain text file frame_TDTG.php Class Frame TDTG
  Plain text file frame_TENC.php Class Frame TENC
  Plain text file frame_TEXT.php Class Frame TEXT
  Plain text file frame_TFLT.php Class Frame TFLT
  Plain text file frame_TIME.php Class Frame TIME
  Plain text file frame_TIPL.php Class Frame TIPL
  Plain text file frame_TIT1.php Class Frame TIT1
  Plain text file frame_TIT2.php Class Frame TIT2
  Plain text file frame_TIT3.php Class Frame TIT3
  Plain text file frame_TKEY.php Class Frame TKEY
  Plain text file frame_TLAN.php Class Frame TLAN
  Plain text file frame_TLEN.php Class Frame TLEN
  Plain text file frame_TMCL.php Class Frame TMCL
  Plain text file frame_TMED.php Class Frame TMED
  Plain text file frame_TMOO.php Class Frame TMOO
  Plain text file frame_TOAL.php Class Frame TOAL
  Plain text file frame_TOFN.php Class Frame TOFN
  Plain text file frame_TOLY.php Class Frame TOLY
  Plain text file frame_TOPE.php Class Frame TOPE
  Plain text file frame_TORY.php Class Frame TORY
  Plain text file frame_TOWN.php Class Frame TOWN
  Plain text file frame_TPE1.php Class Frame TPE1
  Plain text file frame_TPE2.php Class Frame TPE2
  Plain text file frame_TPE3.php Class Frame TPE3
  Plain text file frame_TPE4.php Class Frame TPE4
  Plain text file frame_TPOS.php Class Frame TPOS
  Plain text file frame_TPRO.php Class Frame TPRO
  Plain text file frame_TPUB.php Class Frame TPUB
  Plain text file frame_TRCK.php Class Frame TRCK
  Plain text file frame_TRDA.php Class Frame TRDA
  Plain text file frame_TRSN.php Class Frame TRSN
  Plain text file frame_TRSO.php Class Frame TRSO
  Plain text file frame_TSIZ.php Class Frame TSIZ
  Plain text file frame_TSOA.php Class Frame TSOA
  Plain text file frame_TSOP.php Class Frame TSOP
  Plain text file frame_TSOT.php Class Frame TSOT
  Plain text file frame_TSRC.php Class Frame TSRC
  Plain text file frame_TSSE.php Class Frame TSSE
  Plain text file frame_TSST.php Class Frame TSST
  Plain text file frame_TXXX.php Class Frame TXXX
  Plain text file frame_TYER.php Class Frame TYER
  Plain text file frame_UFID.php Class Frame UFID
  Plain text file frame_USER.php Class Frame USER
  Plain text file frame_USLT.php Class Frame USLT
  Plain text file frame_W.php Class Frame "Mother" that hold all Wxxx type of frame
  Plain text file frame_WCOM.php Class Frame WCOM
  Plain text file frame_WCOP.php Class Frame WCOP
  Plain text file frame_WOAF.php Class Frame WOAF
  Plain text file frame_WOAR.php Class Frame WOAR
  Plain text file frame_WOAS.php Class Frame WOAS
  Plain text file frame_WORS.php Class Frame WORS
  Plain text file frame_WPAY.php Class Frame WPAY
  Plain text file frame_WPUB.php Class Frame WPUB
  Plain text file frame_WXXX.php Class Frame WXXX

  Files folder image Files  /  music  
File Role Description
  Plain text file put_mp3_here.txt Data Put mp3 file in that folder

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hey dude excellent script.
9 years ago (abdullah)