PHP Classes

ABrowser Class: Browse server side files and folders

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  Author Author  
Name: George Clarke <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This package can be used to provide a Web interface to browser server side files and folders.

It lets the user browse listings of files and folders below the current script directory.

Its features are:

- List folders in the first column
- List files in the next three columns: images, scripts and text files
- The images files can be presented either as their file names or as thumbnails. Click on the image file name or thumbnail shows the full size image
- Edit the contents of files and save them with the same or different file name and folder path
- Delete a files and and empty folders
- While editing a file, find a text string
- Navigate back up the tree using unique navigation links
- Create a new file and then enter text into it
- Create a new folder
- Upload a file into the current folder
- Download a file from the server

This application uses the Easy PHP Upload class by Olaf Lederer for managing uploaded files.

This application uses the downloadfile class by Slava Ivanov for managing downloaded files.

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Name: ABrowser Class
Base name: abrowser
Description: Browse server side files and folders
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
  Groups   Dependencies   Applications   Files Files  

Group folder image Files and Folders Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders View top rated classes
Group folder image Content management Components and tools to manage content View top rated classes


Control files and folders
need class for control directories and files

  Packages needed by this class  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
Download file Download .zip .tar.gz Is used to download files Conditional
Easy PHP Upload Download .zip .tar.gz Used to upload files Conditional

  Applications that use this package  
No pages of applications that use this class were specified.

Add link image If you know an application of this package, send a message to the author to add a link here.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file abrowser.php Appl. Application to maintain filesystem of webserver
Plain text file class.abrowser.php Class Class file for abrowser class
Accessible without login Plain text file dnload.php Aux. Used to download files.
Accessible without login Plain text file resize.php Aux. Resizes and displays images

Install with Composer Install with Composer - Download Download all files: abrowser.tar.gz
NOTICE: if you are using a download manager program like 'GetRight', please Login before trying to download this archive.