PHP Classes

Classes of Er. Rochak Chauhan

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Picture of Er. Rochak Chauhan
Name: Er. Rochak Chauhan is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Er. Rochak Chauhan . Er. Rochak Chauhan Google profile
Classes: 54
Country: India India
Age: 45
All time rank: 21 in India India
Week rank: 27 Down2 in India India Down
All time users: 147601
Week users: 3
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 15x

Winner: 4x
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  Files folder image AJAX Edit In Place  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2006

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Edit and save a paragraph of text in an HTML page

  Files folder image AJAX File Uploader  
Browse files uploaded without page reloading

  Files folder image AJAX Grid  
Edit and save table data without page refreshing

  Files folder image AJAX Poll  
Process a poll without reloading the poll page

  Files folder image AJAX Rating Counter  
AJAX based star rating system

  Files folder image Automatic Archive Creator  
Take backup of files by copying to other directory

  Files folder image Calendar Component  
Generate calendar for a given month

  Files folder image Compare Files  
Compare two text files and show different lines

  Files folder image Country From IP  
Lookup the country of a given IP address

  Files folder image Create File By Parsing Dir  
Create a CSV with a list of files of a directory

  Files folder image Create Sitemap  
Generate of map of the files of a directory in XML

  Files folder image Create ZIP File  
Create ZIP file archives and serve for download

  Files folder image Data to Graph  
Generate bar charts from arrays of data

  Files folder image Download Images from Google  
Search images on Google and download its files

  Files folder image Encode And Optimize PHP  
Obfuscate and compact PHP source files

  Files folder image GeoIP API Connector  
Get geographic location of IP address from GeoIP

  Files folder image Google Currency Converter  
Convert currency amounts using Google searches

  Files folder image Google Hacks  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2007

Prize: One year server license IP to country region city database
Search the Internet for certain files using Google

  Files folder image Grep Simulator  
Search for text in files like the Unix grep tool

  Files folder image HTML Generator  
Compose and output HTML documents programatically

  Files folder image iCaptcha  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 6

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
CAPTCHA validation asking questions about pictures

  Files folder image Magic PHP Pixel Tracking  
Track if an email message was viewed or opened

  Files folder image Mail Server Info  
Lookup DNS to obtain the SMTP servers of a domain

  Files folder image Photo Frame  
Generate picture frames of with custom text

  Files folder image PHP Benford's Law  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2023
Detect the probability of fraud in a data set

  Files folder image PHP Compare Strings  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2010
Number 11
Compares strings to determine similarity level

  Files folder image PHP Debugger  
Output debugging information of the current script

  Files folder image PHP Duplicate Files Finder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2010
Number 5
Find files with the same contents

  Files folder image PHP Encode Form Values  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2014
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Decode base64 encoded submitted form values

  Files folder image PHP Encrypt Files  
Encrypt and decrypt data with a given key and salt

  Files folder image PHP Fancy Directory Browsing  
List the contents of directories in a Web page

  Files folder image PHP Form Test  
Submit forms to retrieve responses

  Files folder image PHP JSON XML Array String...  
Convert variable values to JSON and XML formats

  Files folder image PHP Keyword Analyser  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2009
Number 3

Prize: One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
Find out how a site ranks in Google for a keyword

  Files folder image PHP Log Analyzer  
Parse log files and extract its entries details

  Files folder image PHP MD5 Decrypter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Decrypt MD5 password and hashes with MD5Decryter

  Files folder image PHP Obfuscator  
Obfuscate PHP as base64 encoded strings

  Files folder image PHP Online Bookmarking Class  
Code to implement online bookmarking in a page.

  Files folder image PHP Proxy Anonymizer  
Send requests to other sites using PHP as proxy

  Files folder image PHP Push Advert  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2014
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Display ads on pages that self-update regularly

  Files folder image PHP Random Number Generator  
Generate a random string based on Mersenne Twister

  Files folder image PHP Scroller  
Display text messages scrolling vertically

  Files folder image PHP Search MySQL Tables  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2010

Prize: One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
Search for text in all tables of a MySQL database

  Files folder image PHP Text Spinner  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2010
Number 5
Change words of a text with synonyms

  Files folder image PHP URL Hash Value HMAC  
Generate hashes for URLs to prevent tampering

  Files folder image PHP Vulnerability Scanner  
Scan script files for malicious code

  Files folder image PHP Yahoo Music API  
Search for music using the Yahoo Music API

  Files folder image Simple AJAX  
Execute server side actions without page reloading

  Files folder image Tag Cloud Generator  
Generate tag cloud from lists of links

  Files folder image Test On Image  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2006
Number 4
Render text on image using images of letters

  Files folder image Text To Image  
Render a text string as an image

  Files folder image Twitter Auto Publish  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2010
Number 3

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Post statuses to Twitter without using oAuth

  Files folder image  
Lookup and retrieve colors of the Web Safe palette

  Files folder image YouTube API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Get the video download URL using the YouTube API

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