PHP Classes

Classes of Alf-Red

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Picture of Alf-Red
Name: Alf-Red <contact>
Classes: 9
Country: Switzerland Switzerland
Age: 43
All time rank: 841 in Switzerland Switzerland
Week rank: 351 Down5 in Switzerland Switzerland Down
All time users: 19622
Week users: 4
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Agenda  
Manage agenda to track items borrowed to people

  Files folder image Downloader  
Log files served for download

  Files folder image Flag displayer  
Display country flags selected with a form

  Files folder image Gallery generator  
Generate a gallery from images in a folder

  Files folder image Highlight  
Find and highlight a text expression in a sentence

  Files folder image html.class.php  
Generate HTML document tags programatically

  Files folder image Registration  
User registration with CAPTCHA image validation

  Files folder image Rename  
Rename all files from directory

  Files folder image Thumbnails  
Display thumbnails of image files from a directory

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