PHP Classes

Classes of Manuel Lemos

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Picture of Manuel Lemos
Name: Manuel Lemos is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Manuel Lemos . Manuel Lemos Google profile
Classes: 45
Country: Portugal Portugal
Age: 55
All time rank: 1
Week rank: 6 Down1 in Portugal Portugal Equal
All time users: 303680
Week users: 16
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  Files folder image Calcular Frete Correios...  
Calculate shipping costs for the Correios services

  Files folder image Calendar generation class  
Calendar month HTML table generator.

  Files folder image Date and time utility class  
Editing date and time values with forms.

  Files folder image Ezmlm mailing list manager...  
Web interface to manage ezmlm mailing lists.

  Files folder image File cache class  
Cache arbitrary data in files.

  Files folder image Freshmeat project query class  
Query project information in the Freshmeat site.

  Files folder image Generic string mapping class  
Generic string mapping.

  Files folder image Generic XML parser class  
Arbitrary XML parser.

  Files folder image Htdig site indexing and...  
Interface with Ht:/Dig indexing and search engine.

  Files folder image HTML Image Tag  
Generate HTML image tags programmatically

  Files folder image Httperf server stressing...  
Evaluate HTTP server performance.

  Files folder image Log watcher  
Watch a log file and e-mail newly added lines

  Files folder image Metabase  
PHP Database abstraction layer RDBMS independent

  Files folder image MIME E-mail message sending  
PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages

  Files folder image Multipage forms class  
Create and manage forms split over multiple pages.

  Files folder image NetGeo IP locator service...  
Determine the geographic location of a IP address.

  Files folder image PHP Composer Asset Manager  
Composer plugin to install JS, CSS and image files

  Files folder image PHP Composer Assets  
Package for loading the assets installer plugin

  Files folder image PHP Distribution System  
Automate the distribution file archive creation

  Files folder image PHP Email validation  
Determine if a given e-mail address is valid.

  Files folder image PHP Embed Video  
Embed player for other site video or presentation

  Files folder image PHP Feature Test  
Test if PHP features work on the current setup

  Files folder image PHP Forms Class with HTML...  
HTML forms generation and validation.

  Files folder image PHP Git Client Class  
Access files in Git repositories in pure PHP

  Files folder image PHP HTTP protocol client  
HTTP client to access Web site pages

  Files folder image PHP Markdown Parser  
Parse Markdown documents and generate HTML tags

  Files folder image PHP MIME Email Message Parser  
Decode MIME e-mail messages

  Files folder image PHP OAuth Library  
Authorize and access APIs using OAuth

  Files folder image PHP OAuth2 Server Library  
Implements an API provider using OAuth 2 protocol

  Files folder image PHP Text Diff Highlight class  
Find and view the difference between text strings

  Files folder image PHP Twitter Feed  
Generate RSS feeds from timelines and searches

  Files folder image PHP Webmaster Tools API  
Access Google Webmaster Tools API for given sites

  Files folder image PHP YouTube API Get Video Info  
Get details and manage videos using YouTube API v3

  Files folder image POP3 e-mail client  
Access to e-mail mailboxes using the POP3 protocol

  Files folder image Query result table display...  
Outputs tables with the result of database queries

  Files folder image Read arguments  
Read and validate shell command line arguments

  Files folder image RSS Writer class  
XML-RSS feed generator for content syndication.

  Files folder image Secure HTML parser and filter  
Parse and filter insecure HTML tags and CSS styles

  Files folder image Simple Authentication and...  
Single API for standard authentication mechanisms

  Files folder image SMTP E-mail sending class  
Sends e-mail messages via SMTP protocol

  Files folder image SOAP server class  
SOAP protocol requests handler.

  Files folder image System monitor and Throttle  
Monitor system usage and throttle heavy programs

  Files folder image Table wrapper base class  
Table wrapper base class

  Files folder image WordPress Vulnerability...  
Scan and fix known WordPress vulnerabilities

  Files folder image XML Writer class  
Composing and generating XML documents.

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