PHP Classes

Classes of Olavo Alexandrino

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Picture of Olavo Alexandrino
Name: Olavo Alexandrino <contact>
Classes: 8
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 43
All time rank: 885 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 226 Down20 in Brazil Brazil Down
All time users: 19919
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
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  Files folder image Access Methods  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 7
Map variable accesses to accessor method calls

  Files folder image ADODB XML  
Import and export data in databases to XML files

  Files folder image Dictionary  
Access arrays with the IDictionary interface

  Files folder image Easy Download  
Serve a file for download with a PHP script

  Files folder image EasyDate  
Manipulation of dates

  Files folder image EasyPagination  
Pagination MySQL query records

  Files folder image EasyUpload  
Handling of files upload via HTML forms

  Files folder image Generic Easy Pagination  
Pagination of arbitrary listings

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