PHP Classes


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Web development books

PHP books



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PHP books

Sales and marketing books

Web design books


Development tools

Books about development tools

Web development books

PHP books

Head First PHP & MySQL

Zend Framework in Action

PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition

RESTful PHP Web Services

PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition)

PHP: A Beginner's Guide

PHP 6/MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner

An Introduction to PHP for Scientists and Engineers: Beyond JavaScript

PHP Object-Oriented Solutions

A Web-Based Introduction to Programming

Professional CodeIgniter

Moodle 1.9 E-Learning Course Development There is one review [1]

AJAX y PHP Español

Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One (4th edition)

php|architect's Guide to Enterprise PHP Development There is one review [1]

PHP 5 CMS Framework Development There is one review [1]

PHP Job Hunter's Handbook

Guide to E-Commerce Programming with Magento

Flash and PHP Bible

PHP and MySQL: Create - Modify - Reuse

PHP Reference: Beginner to Intermediate PHP 5

Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL

Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for Effective MySQL Management

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5 There is one review [1]

Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, 3rd Edition

Pro PHP: Patterns, Frameworks, Testing and More There is one review [1]

Oracle Database AJAX & PHP Web Application Development

Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce (2nd Edition)

Wicked Cool PHP: Real-World Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems There is one review [1]

Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6 There is one review [1]

Dynamic Web App Dev PHP/MySQL

PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

PHP 6 Fast and Easy Web Development

php|architect's Guide to Programming with Zend Framework There is one review [1]

Sales and marketing books


Development tools

Books about development tools

Web development books

PHP books

Books about Web sites


Development tools

Books about development tools

Web development books

PHP books

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce

WordPress Complete

PHP and MySQL by Example

PHP Solutions

PHP & MySQL For Dummies (3rd edition)

Foundations of PEAR

Practical PHP and MySQL

Desarrollo Web Dinamico Con Dreamweaver 8 y PHP Español

Beginning Ajax with PHP

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition PHP Web Programming

PHP-Nuke - Mastering Internet Content Managementt

PHP Programming with PEAR There is one review [1]

PHP & MySQL: Your visual blueprint

PHP 5 Manual del programador Español

PHP Cookbook (2nd edition)

Building Flickr Applications with PHP

Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax

Ajax: Your visual blueprint

Professional Web APIs with PHP

Mambo: Your visual blueprint

PHP 5 in Practice

Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One

Flash, PHP Y MySQL. Contenidos Dinamicos Español

Object-Oriented PHP

PHP Security & Cracking Puzzles

Learning PHP and MySQL

Developing PHP Applications for IBM Data Servers

WordPress 2

PHP For Teens

PHP and MySQL @work

Programming PHP (2nd edition)


Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals and Community Websites

PHP and MySQL Developer's Projects

Pro PHP XML and Web Services There is one review [1]

Ajax and PHP: Building Responsive Web Applications There is one review [1]

Smarty PHP Template Programming and Applications There is one review [1]

Cpanel User Guide and Tutorial

phpBB: A User Guide

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8

Easy Oracle PHP

Hackish PHP Pranks & Tricks

Building Websites With Joomla!

Implementing SugarCRM

Beginning PHP and MySQL 5 (2nd Edition)

Building Forums with Vbulletin

Beginning PDF Programming with PHP and PDFlib


Development tools

Books about development tools

Web development books

PHP books

Database programming books

Software development books

Sales and marketing books

Web design books


PHP videos

Development tools

Books about development tools

PHP books

Web design books

PHP books

Database programming books

Books about Web sites

Web design books


Development tools

Books about development tools

Web development books

PHP books

Database programming books

Software development books

Books about Web sites

Books about operating systems

Web design books


Web development books

PHP books

Database programming books

Software development books

Sales and marketing books



PHP books

Database programming books

XML books

Software development books

Web design books




Database programming books

Sales and marketing books


Database programming books

Software development books