PHP Classes

Classes: Text processing

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Text processing

Manipulating and validating text data.

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  1 - 20   ...   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   261 - 280   ...   860 - 867  
  Files folder image GeSHi  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2004
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the PHP Anthology book set
Author: Nigel McNie <e-mail contact>
Highlight syntax of source code of many languages

  Files folder image GET  
Author: Bimal Poudel <e-mail contact>
Build URLs from a list of parameters

  Files folder image Get Domain name  
Author: prathibhap8 <e-mail contact>
Extract the base domain from an URL

  Files folder image Gistfy  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2013
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: V Loganathane <e-mail contact>
Create a summary of a given text

  Files folder image gnuPG class  
Author: Enrique Garcia M. <e-mail contact>
Encrypt data and manipulate keys using gnuPG

  Files folder image Gonx URLs  
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Generate and process search engine friendly URL

  Files folder image Google - Did You Mean  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Diego Garrido de Almeida <e-mail contact>
Get spelling correction suggestions from Google

  Files folder image Google It  
Author: Umang Beri <e-mail contact>
Get the latest headline from Google news

  Files folder image Google Text To Speech  
Author: Petter Kjelkenes <e-mail contact>
Convert text to speech using Google API

  Files folder image GoogleTrnsltr PHP Google...  
Author: Rafael Martin Soto <e-mail contact>
Translate texts between languages using Google API

  Files folder image Grep Simulator  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search for text in files like the Unix grep tool

  Files folder image gSenha  
Author: Diogo Del Santo <e-mail contact>
Generate a random password from a character list

  Files folder image Guaranix Full Text  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Index text documents for full text searching

  Files folder image Guid  
Author: Binzy Wu <e-mail contact>
Generate global unique identifiers text values

  Files folder image Hangman  
Author: shady el gewily <e-mail contact>
Pick word and check letters for the hangman game

  Files folder image Hiero  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2007
Number 4
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Translate word into Egyptian hieroglyphics

  Files folder image Highlight  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Find and highlight a text expression in a sentence

  Files folder image Highlighter  
Author: Giulio Bai <e-mail contact>
Reformat highlighted PHP code

  Files folder image highlighting_skipphtml  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Highlight words of text in HTML

  Files folder image HK/TW/CN ID Class  
Author: Ming Choi <e-mail contact>
Validate IDs of China, Taiwan or Hong-Kong

  1 - 27   ...   217 - 243   244 - 270   271 - 297   298 - 324   325 - 351   352 - 378   ...   864 - 867  
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