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Top rated classes: Text processing

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  All class groups  >  Text processing  >  Top rated classes (172)  

Top rated classes: Text processing

Manipulating and validating text data.

  Files folder image 1. Unicode Manipulation  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2009
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Rubens Takiguti Ribeiro <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text with Unicode encodings

  Files folder image 2. Swype for PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2011
Number 4
Author: Richard Keizer <e-mail contact>
Auto-complete words entered with a Swype keyboard

  Files folder image 3. Numeric TTS  
Author: Bakr Alsharif <e-mail contact>
Generate audio to spell numbers with voices

  Files folder image 4. MIME E-mail message parser  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Decode MIME e-mail messages

  Files folder image 5. IDNA Convert  
Author: Matthias Sommerfeld <e-mail contact>
Convert from and to IDNA Punycode domain names

  Files folder image 6. ArZipStr  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2007

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Compress text using letter frequency for its idiom

  Files folder image 7. PathParser  
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Parse URL or file paths and compute relative paths

  Files folder image 8. BBCode Parser Class  
Author: Ramunas <e-mail contact>
Parse BBCode and convert it into HTML

  Files folder image 9. HTML SQL  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2006
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: J. <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract information from HTML using SQL

  Files folder image 10. GeSHi  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2004
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the PHP Anthology book set
Author: Nigel McNie <e-mail contact>
Highlight syntax of source code of many languages

  Files folder image 11. ArTransliteration  
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Transliterate English text to Arabic

  Files folder image 12. Regexp Builder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2009
Number 3

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Author: Marco Marchiò <e-mail contact>
Build regular expressions programmatically

  Files folder image 13. Test On Image  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2006
Number 4
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Render text on image using images of letters

  Files folder image 14. ArCharsetC  
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Convert Arabic texts between different encodings

  Files folder image 15. ArIdentifier  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2007

Prize: One copy of VS.PHP
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Identify Arabic text in multi-language documents

  Files folder image 16. Convert character set  
Author: Mikolaj <e-mail contact>
Conversion between many character set encodings

  Files folder image 17. preg_magic  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2008
Number 7

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Shannon Wynter <e-mail contact>
Extract data from text using regular expressions

  Files folder image 18. UBBCode  
Author: L <e-mail contact>
Replaces the ubb tags with HTML, and vice versa

  Files folder image 19. Thesaurus tooltip  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2006
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Lookup text and show popup with the text meaning

  Files folder image 20. Arabic MySQL Query  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 8
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Build SQL queries considering Arabic lexical rules

  Files folder image 21. gnuPG class  
Author: Enrique Garcia M. <e-mail contact>
Encrypt data and manipulate keys using gnuPG

  Files folder image 22. PHP Input Filter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2005
Number 4

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Daniel Morris <e-mail contact>
Filter out unwanted PHP / Javascript / HTML tags.

  Files folder image 23. RTF Class Code PHP  
Author: Maury <e-mail contact>
Generate documents in RTF

  Files folder image 24. BBCode Class  
Author: Leif K-Brooks <e-mail contact>
Class to parse BBCode.

  Files folder image 25. htmlcleaner  
Author: troels knak-nielsen <e-mail contact>
Clean up MSHTML and Word HTML

  Files folder image 26. PHP Text to Speech Class  
Author: Radovan Janjic <e-mail contact>
Generate speech audio to say a given text

  Files folder image 27. Random Password Generator  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Generate random alphanumeric password strings

  Files folder image 28. tail  
Author: Bastian Gorke <e-mail contact>
Get the last lines of a file as the tail command

  Files folder image 29. PHP Code Buster  
Author: Martijn Loots <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate PHP code with the tokenizer functions

  Files folder image 30. ArAutoSummarize  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 9
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Extract summary phrases from an Arabic text

  Files folder image 31. Bayesian Spam Filter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2007
Number 3
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Detect spam in text using Bayesian techniques

  Files folder image 32. Spell Corrector  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2008

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Felipe Ribeiro <e-mail contact>
Suggest corrected spelling text in pure PHP

  Files folder image 33. Write On Pic  
Author: Nabi KaramAliZadeh <e-mail contact>
Write text on a picture

  Files folder image 34. ASCII art generator for PHP  
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
Generate a text that looks like a given image

  Files folder image 35. Highlight  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Find and highlight a text expression in a sentence

  Files folder image 36. SQL Parsing  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Parse and execute MySQL statements from a file

  Files folder image 37. Password Generate  
Author: Vincent <e-mail contact>
Generate random passwords with given criteria

  Files folder image 38. ArGlyphs  
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Convert Arabic text to Unicode for rendering

  Files folder image 39. SQL Query Builder  
Author: David Regla Demaree <e-mail contact>
Dynamically build SQL queries

  Files folder image 40. CLI  
Author: Marcin Orlowski <e-mail contact>
CLI is shell argument parsing and handling class

  Files folder image 41. Google It  
Author: Umang Beri <e-mail contact>
Get the latest headline from Google news

  Files folder image 42. Text Encrypter  
Author: Nilesh Dosooye <e-mail contact>
Encode data to be passed between page scripts

  Files folder image 43. ATextImage  
Author: George Clarke <e-mail contact>
Layout and render text on images

  Files folder image 44. Gonx URLs  
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Generate and process search engine friendly URL

  Files folder image 45. DoubleMetaPhone  
Author: Steve Woodbridge <e-mail contact>
An improved "sounds like" algorithm.

  Files folder image 46. SQL Parse Convert to Tree Array  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2008
Number 2
Author: François NEUMANN-RYSTOW <e-mail contact>
Build a tree to represent an SQL query

  Files folder image 47. Bounce Handler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Chris Fortune <e-mail contact>
Parse bounced e-mail message reports

  Files folder image 48. Emoticon  
Author: Rafael Pinto <e-mail contact>
Replace emoticon text characters HTML image tags

  Files folder image 49. Automatic Keyword Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2006

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Ver Pangonilo <e-mail contact>
Automatically suggest keywords from content text

  Files folder image 50. Validate_Credit_Card  
Author: Ricky Robinson <e-mail contact>
Validates credit card numbers and expiration dates

  Files folder image 51. SpellOutNumbers  
Author: DrDoc <e-mail contact>
Convert numbers to text, w/ or w/o ordinal suffix.

  Files folder image 52. Password Generator Class  
Author: Daniel Tlach <e-mail contact>
Generate passwords with given requirements

  Files folder image 53. Spam Filter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2005
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Rafael Pinto <e-mail contact>
Classify spam text messages using a knowlegde base

  Files folder image 54. CSS parser  
Author: Thomas Björk <e-mail contact>
CSS parser class

  Files folder image 55. RTF Generation Class  
Author: Michele Brodoloni <e-mail contact>
Generate documents in RTF

  Files folder image 56. Browser Info  
Author: Richard Toth <e-mail contact>
Parse the HTTP user agent to get browser details

  Files folder image 57. String Similarity  
Author: Marius Ciotlos <e-mail contact>
Calculate the similarity of two text strings

  Files folder image 58. PHP color  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2008
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice from Manning
Author: hazem ali <e-mail contact>
Format PHP code as colored HTML

  Files folder image 59. Password Checker  
Author: Suman Debnath <e-mail contact>
Generate and test safe passwords

  Files folder image 60. Write Farsi to Image  
Author: Alireza Abedini <e-mail contact>
Convert Farsi text to render with ImageTTFText

  Files folder image 61. Cyrillic to Latin  
Author: Yaroslav Shapoval <e-mail contact>
Translite text between cyrillic and latin

  Files folder image 62. codeLighter  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Convert text with BBcode like tags into HTML

  Files folder image 63. Compare Files  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Compare two text files and show different lines

  Files folder image 64. validation  
Author: Sven Wagener <e-mail contact>
Validation with non-regular expression patterns

  Files folder image 65. MySQL Spell Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 7
Author: sam <e-mail contact>
Spell check texts with a MySQL table as dictionary

  Files folder image 66. Numero a Letra  
Author: Omar Ortiz <e-mail contact>
Spell numbers using Spanish words

  Files folder image 67. Email Crypt  
Author: Julien PACHET <e-mail contact>
Convert email link to Javascript to avoid harvest

  Files folder image 68. simple BBCode  
Author: Piotr <e-mail contact>
Convert BBCode formatted text to HTML

  Files folder image 69. Source Parser  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Parsing text with BBCode style tags

  Files folder image 70. JSON  
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Serialize and unserialize values in JSON format

  Files folder image 71. Clean URL  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Transform URLs to make them search engine friendly

  Files folder image 72. Password  
Author: Aleksey V. Zapparov <e-mail contact>
Generate passwords based on rules

  Files folder image 73. Multibyte Keyword Generator  
Author: Peter Kahl <e-mail contact>
Extract meta keywords from multi-byte texts

  Files folder image 74. Input Class  
Author: bruno b b magalhaes <e-mail contact>
Sanitize input values passed to a script

  Files folder image 75. Validator.php  
Author: Kevin Burke <e-mail contact>
Form Validation class

  Files folder image 76. CReferrer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2004
Number 6
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Extract search engine keywords from referrer URL

  Files folder image 77. highlighting_skipphtml  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Highlight words of text in HTML

  Files folder image 78. Key Highlighter  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Highlight keywords in current script output

  Files folder image 79. SQL Parse and Compile  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2008
Number 2

Prize: One copy of VS.PHP
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Parse and compose SQL queries programatically

  Files folder image 80. MyLibSQLGen  
Author: Fadjar Nurswanto <e-mail contact>
Build MySQL query statements from parameters

  Files folder image 81. CreditCard Class  
Author: Daniel Froz Costa <e-mail contact>
Validate credit cards and detect the type of card

  Files folder image 82. Word Counter  
Author: Ashish <e-mail contact>
Counts number of words in a text string

  Files folder image 83. CSS Compressor  
Author: Corey Hart <e-mail contact>
Compact the size of CSS definitions

  Files folder image 84. ASCII CAPTCHA  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2008
Number 2
Author: Debug <e-mail contact>
CAPTCHA validation using ASCII art text

  Files folder image 85. Google Text To Speech  
Author: Petter Kjelkenes <e-mail contact>
Convert text to speech using Google API

  Files folder image 86. Easy Password Generator  
Author: Shane Kretzmann <e-mail contact>
Create random password easy to remember for humans

  Files folder image 87. CSS Comparer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Martijn Beulens <e-mail contact>
Compare two CSS style definitions

  Files folder image 88. JavaScript Compressor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Pack JavaScript code to reduce its size

  Files folder image 89. URL Utility  
Author: Marcel Oehler <e-mail contact>
Compose an URL from its component definitions

  Files folder image 90. Kenny Translator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2008
Number 6

Prize: One license of PHPEdit Professional
Author: Nemanja Avramovic <e-mail contact>
Translate text to Kenny speech and vice-versa

  Files folder image 91. Date Span  
Author: Victor Hugo Cardenas Varon <e-mail contact>
Calculate and spell the timespan between two dates

  Files folder image 92. PHP Compare Strings  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2010
Number 11
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Compares strings to determine similarity level

  Files folder image 93. UTF8  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2004
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Alexandar Minkovsky <e-mail contact>
Convert text between UTF-8 and other encodings

  Files folder image 94. PHP MS Word  
Author: Neeraj Thakur <e-mail contact>
Edit Microsoft Word documents using COM objects

  Files folder image 95. Google - Did You Mean  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Diego Garrido de Almeida <e-mail contact>
Get spelling correction suggestions from Google

  Files folder image 96. Friendly URL Pattern Manager  
Author: Prasun Paul <e-mail contact>
Parse and generate friendly URLs

  Files folder image 97. Search File Contents  
Author: Nick Pap <e-mail contact>
Search files in a directory for a given text

  Files folder image 98. Numbers2words  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Converts numbers to words (UK and US/FR)

  Files folder image 99. Mrasnika's URL validator  
Author: Kaloyan Kirilov <e-mail contact>
Validate and parse HTTP or FTP URLs

  Files folder image 100. Número por extenso  
Author: Erick Vavretchek <e-mail contact>
Spell quantity numbers in brazilian portuguese

  Files folder image 101. Fetch Link Class  
Author: Rahman Haghparast <e-mail contact>
This class extracts every link in a web page

  Files folder image 102. Number to Persian text  
Author: Fouad Amiri <e-mail contact>
Spell numbers using Persian words

  Files folder image 103. Form Validator  
Author: Andrzej Pomian <e-mail contact>
Validate values submitted via Web forms

  Files folder image 104. String Buffer  
Author: David Johns <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text strings as with Java StringBuffer

  Files folder image 105. Funny Strings  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2004
Number 7
Author: Martin Lebert <e-mail contact>
Converts texts to h4xx0r, eLiTe or shuffled style

  Files folder image 106. Text To Image  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Render a text string as an image

  Files folder image 107. ASCII Art Generator  
Author: Jonathan Ford <e-mail contact>
Render images using text characters

  Files folder image 108. ASCII 2 Image  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Render .nfo text files as graphical images

  Files folder image 109. Numtoword  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2005
Number 6
Author: Jose Giambruno <e-mail contact>
Spell money amounts using words in multiple idioms

  Files folder image 110. JS & CSS Compressor  
Author: Andrey Nikishaev <e-mail contact>
Merge and compress Javascript(JS) and CSS files

  Files folder image 111. Phonetic  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
March 2008

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Alexander Skakunov <e-mail contact>
Generate phonetically similar words

  Files folder image 112. gEncrypter  
Author: Giulio Bai <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt text with pure PHP using a key

  Files folder image 113. class.strings.php  
Author: Andrew Collington <e-mail contact>
String manipulation functions

  Files folder image 114. PHP Composer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Render image of musical score of RTTL ring tones

  Files folder image 115. Validate Data  
Author: umesh deshmukh <e-mail contact>
Data validation with support for multibyte text

  Files folder image 116. Mime Decode  
Author: Richard Heyes <e-mail contact>
This class will enable you to decode mime email.

  Files folder image 117. Spell Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2004

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
Text spell checking based only in PHP code

  Files folder image 118. randomWord  
Author: kumar mcmillan <e-mail contact>
makes a random 'readable' word (example: Huchafo!)

  Files folder image 119. Magic HTML Parser  
Author: Mudessir Medgitov <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML documents and extract keywords

  Files folder image 120. Safe keyword highlight  
Author: tony <e-mail contact>
Text keyword highlight within HTML tags

  Files folder image 121. RTF Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Thomas Graham <e-mail contact>
Create RTF documents from HTML

  Files folder image 122. Hex2Bin - converts a hex string to a bin string  
Author: Roberto Bertó <e-mail contact>
Convert Hex Numbers to Binary Strings

  Files folder image 123. Text2Array  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Convert tabular text data or file to an array

  Files folder image 124. URL Encoder  
Author: Jason Browatzke <e-mail contact>
Encode data to pass securely between two pages

  Files folder image 125. Love Calculator  
Author: DigitalDoener <e-mail contact>
Calculate the love factor between two names

  Files folder image 126. CompactPHP  
Author: Hannes Dorn <e-mail contact>
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read.

  Files folder image 127. Validate String  
Author: Sven Wagener <e-mail contact>
This class validate string types (urls,email, ...)

  Files folder image 128. Cut HTML string  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2009

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: prajwala <e-mail contact>
Cut an HTML excerpt with a given text limit

  Files folder image 129. Mailto Encoder  
Author: Konstantinos Dafalias <e-mail contact>
Encode email address links with character entities

  Files folder image 130. Parse Mail  
Author: Frank Rust <e-mail contact>
Parse the headers and bodies of e-mail messages

  Files folder image 131. Output Buffering handler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2008
Number 4

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Manage multiple handlers to filter the page output

  Files folder image 132. Terbilang  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Spell quantity numbers in Indonesian or Malay Lang

  Files folder image 133. Encrypt and Decrypt any string  
Author: Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría <e-mail contact>
Encode and decode text strings with random keys

  Files folder image 134. badword  
Author: quazi <e-mail contact>
This is an efficient bad word filter

  Files folder image 135. wordDocumentHandler  
Author: Logan Dugenoux <e-mail contact>
Convert and clean MSWord documents to HTML

  Files folder image 136. Add and strip slashes recursively (updated)  
Author: Armand Pasteau <e-mail contact>
Adds and strips slashes from strings recursively

  Files folder image 137. Dictionary client class package  
Author: Jesus M. Castagnetto <e-mail contact>
Client dictionary class

  Files folder image 138. SQL Highlighter  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Highlight text SQL statements

  Files folder image 139. Filtreatment  
Author: Cristian Navalici <e-mail contact>
Validate and filter text values based on rules

  Files folder image 140. Fast JSON  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Encode and decode PHP values in JSON format

  Files folder image 141. License management class  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2011

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: payam khaninejad <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate license serial numbers

  Files folder image 142. Turtle Muddler  
Author: Marcin Sznyra <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate PHP code to make it unreadable to humans

  Files folder image 143. Validations  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Validate text values according several rules

  Files folder image 144. String Searcher  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Search for text in files of any size

  Files folder image 145. CSV Tokenizer  
Author: Blaine Simpson <e-mail contact>
Parse CSV files tokening data lines

  Files folder image 146. SQL fast query  
Author: Vincenzo <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries composed programmatically

  Files folder image 147. PHP SEO  
Author: chema garrido <e-mail contact>
Determine the most relevant keywords of a text

  Files folder image 148. Basic SQL Injection Protection  
Author: MUAMMER TÜRKMEN <e-mail contact>
Cleanup harmful text from request parameters

  Files folder image 149. String Delimiter  
Author: Gabriel Lau <e-mail contact>
Limit the length of a string without cutting words

  Files folder image 150. Beauty XML  
Author: Slawomir Jasinski <e-mail contact>
Reformat XML documents with same indentation rules

  Files folder image 151. Paranoia  
Author: Ovidiu EFTIMIE <e-mail contact>
Check the validity of submitted form parameters

  Files folder image 152. Only Domain  
Author: Mohammed Almarwai <e-mail contact>
Extracting domain from an URL

  Files folder image 153. Encode And Optimize PHP  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate and compact PHP source files

  Files folder image 154. File Split  
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Split text files in multiple parts

  Files folder image 155. PHP Formatter  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Reformat PHP source code using the PHP tokenizer

  Files folder image 156. E-Mail Encoder Class  
Author: Armin <e-mail contact>
Encode mailto: HTML links to difficult harvesting

  Files folder image 157. Chinese Text Conversion  
Author: hessian <e-mail contact>
Convert Chinese text between different encodings

  Files folder image 158. Alternate text  
Author: Alexander Amzin <e-mail contact>
Alternative strings; (string1|string2|string3)...

  Files folder image 159. BBCode Parser  
Author: Mateusz Charytoniuk <e-mail contact>
Replace text with BBCode tags by HTML

  Files folder image 160. PHP Functions Class  
Author: Ashish <e-mail contact>
General utility functions class

  Files folder image 161. SourceEncrypt  
Author: C. Althammer <e-mail contact>
MD5 encrypting specified words of source code

  Files folder image 162. pdf_search  
Author: Rene Kluwen <e-mail contact>
Searches pdf documents for text

  Files folder image 163. Festival Text to Speech Wrapper  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2005
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Wrapper to call the Festival text to speech tool

  Files folder image 164. URL  
Author: Dmitry V. Sabanin <e-mail contact>
URL abstraction class

  Files folder image 165. Grep Simulator  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search for text in files like the Unix grep tool

  Files folder image 166. Guid  
Author: Binzy Wu <e-mail contact>
Generate global unique identifiers text values

  Files folder image 167. wrappedtext  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Word wrap class (that skips html tags)

  Files folder image 168. Strings - special characteres converts  
Author: Roberto Bertó <e-mail contact>
Convert special string into normal string.

  Files folder image 169. Content Leecher  
Author: Leandro Palmieri <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process contents from a given site

  Files folder image 170. BBcode TS  
Author: Jacek Wloka <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML from text formatted with BBCode tags

  Files folder image 171. Javascript Obfuscator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2004
Number 6

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Noor Dawod <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate a Javascript source code

  Files folder image 172. Validate  
Author: Pedram Nimreezi <e-mail contact>
Validate standard American form entries

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