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Classes: Text processing

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Text processing

Manipulating and validating text data.

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  1 - 20   ...   581 - 600   601 - 620   621 - 640   641 - 660   661 - 680   681 - 700   ...   860 - 867  
  Files folder image Proper nouns  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2011
Number 7

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Author: Arturs Sosins <e-mail contact>
Extract proper nouns from texts

  Files folder image PseudoGen  
Author: Alex I. <e-mail contact>
Generate a pseudo random string

  Files folder image Pure PHP Text Render  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2014
Number 2

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Author: Abius X <e-mail contact>
Render text in an image in pure PHP

  Files folder image pwgen-php  
Author: Superwayne <e-mail contact>
Generate pronounceable passwords like GNU pwgen

  Files folder image QTool  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text strings in several ways

  Files folder image Query String  
Author: Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta <e-mail contact>
Manipulate page requests query strings

  Files folder image Query String Manager  
Author: Kenaniah Cerny <e-mail contact>
Manipulate query strings

  Files folder image Query To JSON  
Author: L Bharti <e-mail contact>
Convert MySQL query results to JSON format

  Files folder image QueryString  
Author: Dimitry Zolotaryov <e-mail contact>
Assemble variables to generate a query string

  Files folder image randlib  
Author: fwhite <e-mail contact>
Generate strings with random text

  Files folder image Rando  
Author: Samuel Adeshina <e-mail contact>
Random data generator of several types for testing

  Files folder image Random Class  
Author: Ming Choi <e-mail contact>
Generate a random text with a set of characters

  Files folder image Random Number Generator  
Author: Narmail Sandhu <e-mail contact>
Generate random number of a given length

  Files folder image Random Pass  
Author: Naveen valecha <e-mail contact>
Generate a random text string with a given length

  Files folder image Random Password  
Author: Juan Chaves <e-mail contact>
Generate random text to use as password

  Files folder image Random Password Generator  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Generate random alphanumeric password strings

  Files folder image Random Password Generator...  
Author: Qamar Ashraf <e-mail contact>
Generate random texts for using as passwords

  Files folder image Random Picture  
Author: Seyyed Morteza Hosseini <e-mail contact>
Pick a random URL from a list in a file

  Files folder image Random Word  
Author: Eric Sizemore <e-mail contact>
Generate a random readable word

  Files folder image randomWord  
Author: kumar mcmillan <e-mail contact>
makes a random 'readable' word (example: Huchafo!)

  1 - 27   ...   676 - 702   703 - 729   730 - 756   757 - 783   784 - 810   811 - 837   838 - 864   865 - 867  
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