PHP Classes

Classes: Text processing

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Text processing

Manipulating and validating text data.

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  1 - 20   ...   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   ...   860 - 867  
  Files folder image Link converter  
Author: Patricio Cardó <e-mail contact>
Convert URLs between absolute and relative paths

  Files folder image Lipsum  
Author: Artur Barseghyan <e-mail contact>
Generate random text content using Lipsum API

  Files folder image Lite Comment  
Author: Pavel <e-mail contact>
Render formatted text as HTML

  Files folder image Literal Time  
Author: Bryan Smith <e-mail contact>
Spell time with English words

  Files folder image LMPHP  
Author: Max Base <e-mail contact>
Support to multiple languages to PHP applications

  Files folder image Logical Functions  
Author: bamigboye biodun <e-mail contact>
General-purpose PHP and JavaScript functions

  Files folder image Love Calculator  
Author: DigitalDoener <e-mail contact>
Calculate the love factor between two names

  Files folder image Love match  
Author: Martin Lebert <e-mail contact>
Compute the "love" factor between two person names

  Files folder image Lucky Strike  
Author: BrainX <e-mail contact>
Generate and manipulate random text strings

  Files folder image Luta Spam  
Author: David Ferreira <e-mail contact>
Encode e-mail addresses to prevent harvesting

  Files folder image MAC Address Generator  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Generate MAC addresses

  Files folder image Magic HTML Parser  
Author: Mudessir Medgitov <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML documents and extract keywords

  Files folder image Mailto Encoder  
Author: Konstantinos Dafalias <e-mail contact>
Encode email address links with character entities

  Files folder image Mapache Commons  
Author: Jorge Castro <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text, collections and debug PHP code

  Files folder image MarkDownify  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Number 2
Author: Juan Camacho <e-mail contact>
Parse and render Github-flavored markdown as HTML

  Files folder image Matcher Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2012
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Pashkov Denis Igorevich <e-mail contact>
Validate values from examples with similar format

  Files folder image Math Replace  
Author: Juares Vermelho <e-mail contact>
Evaluates and replace math expressions in text

  Files folder image memDB  
Author: Thomas Björk <e-mail contact>
Memory based database manager

  Files folder image Mentions  
Author: german gomez bajo <e-mail contact>
Highlight names mentioned in a text

  Files folder image Mezon Formal Grammar  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2022
Number 6
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Validate a string according to your grammar rules

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