PHP Classes

Classes: Text processing

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Text processing

Manipulating and validating text data.

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  1 - 20   ...   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   ...   860 - 867  
  Files folder image Input Class  
Author: bruno b b magalhaes <e-mail contact>
Sanitize input values passed to a script

  Files folder image Integers to words  
Author: Akhilesh <e-mail contact>
Spell numbers with English words

  Files folder image Intelligent Censor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2008
Number 5

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: sk89q <e-mail contact>
Replace rude words by acceptable alternatives

  Files folder image Invalid Characters  
Author: Juan Chaves <e-mail contact>
Check if a string has any invalid characters

  Files folder image IrisSG Technical Test  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2024
Number 3
Author: András Zoltán-Gyárfás <e-mail contact>
Convert spreadsheet column letters to numbers

  Files folder image ISCII Unicode Manager  
Author: sunish <e-mail contact>
Convert Hindi text in ISCII to Unicode

  Files folder image Italian Stemmer  
Author: Roberto Mirizzi <e-mail contact>
Compute stem strings from Italian words

  Files folder image Jargon File Processor  
Author: tobozo <e-mail contact>
Just a script to extract definitions from the jarg

  Files folder image Java compatible UTF-8 Data...  
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text strings as in Java

  Files folder image JavaScript Compressor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Pack JavaScript code to reduce its size

  Files folder image Javascript Obfuscator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2004
Number 6

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Noor Dawod <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate a Javascript source code

  Files folder image JavaScript PHP Documentor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2008
Number 3

Prize: One license of ScriptCase Enterprise edition
Author: Rafael M. Salvioni <e-mail contact>
Generate documentation for Javascript scripts

  Files folder image JMBG  
Author: Nemanja Avramovic <e-mail contact>
Validate and extract details from JMBG numbers

  Files folder image jooRegexpr  
Author: Viet Vu <e-mail contact>
Find tags with parameters in text

  Files folder image JPEncodeClass  
Author: Jon Pulice <e-mail contact>
Encode and decode strings according to a pattern

  Files folder image JPPassClass  
Author: Jon Pulice <e-mail contact>
Generate random text from multiple character sets

  Files folder image jQuery Helper  
Author: Andrei Caminschi <e-mail contact>
Generate Javascript to call jQuery library

  Files folder image JS & CSS Compressor  
Author: Andrey Nikishaev <e-mail contact>
Merge and compress Javascript(JS) and CSS files

  Files folder image jSearchString  
Author: Johan De Klerk <e-mail contact>
Remove stopwords and punctuation from strings

  Files folder image JSON  
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Serialize and unserialize values in JSON format

  1 - 27   ...   271 - 297   298 - 324   325 - 351   352 - 378   379 - 405   406 - 432   ...   864 - 867  
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