PHP Classes

Classes: Language

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Constructs to assist in the language control.

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  1 - 20   ...   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 389  
  Files folder image Simple Hooks Plugin  
Author: Nemanja Avramovic <e-mail contact>
Setup and call application plug-in scripts

  Files folder image Simple MVC Shutdown Manager  
Author: Jonathan Gotti <e-mail contact>
Manage PHP script shutdown functions

  Files folder image Simple Object  
Author: J.B. <e-mail contact>
Base class with common variable access functions

  Files folder image Simple PHP Dependency...  
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Container to register and call service providers

  Files folder image Simple PHP Multithreading  
Author: Mahesh S <e-mail contact>
Create threads that run multiple tasks in parallel

  Files folder image Simple PHP Process Manager  
Author: tom larsen <e-mail contact>
Manage processes to run external parallel programs

  Files folder image Simple PHP Promise Library  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2020
Number 3
Author: Ahmad Mustapha <e-mail contact>
Register functions to call when conditions are met

  Files folder image Simple React PHP CRUD  
Author: Ahmad Mustapha <e-mail contact>
Manipulate records in a page done using ReactPHP

  Files folder image singleton  
Author: Haruki Setoyama <e-mail contact>
Singleton class manager

  Files folder image Singleton Class  
Author: Mohamed Elbahja <e-mail contact>
Create, retrieve an delete instances of a class

  Files folder image Singleton Trait  
Author: Asher Wolfstein <e-mail contact>
Trait that adds singleton pattern to a class

  Files folder image Solace script maze  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2004

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Zubov Ilya <e-mail contact>
PHP source code protection based only on PHP code

  Files folder image spAutoLoad  
Author: Wojciech Matusiak <e-mail contact>
Automatically load classes from multiple sources

  Files folder image Special Arguments  
Author: adam berger <e-mail contact>
Get variable function arguments into arrays

  Files folder image Stern PHP Type Safety  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2020
Number 9
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Make class function calls invoke strict versions

  Files folder image Struct  
Author: Chun-Sheng, Li <e-mail contact>
Trait that implements class getters and setters

  Files folder image Super Proxy  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2009
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Mathias Krieck <e-mail contact>
Create object to access private members

  Files folder image superGlobals  
Author: Max S. Yarchevsky <e-mail contact>
Setup a new set of super-global variables

  Files folder image TDD By Example  
Author: Ogbemudia Osayawe <e-mail contact>
Develop classes using test driven design

  Files folder image Testes Unitarios  
Author: Rodrigo Faustino <e-mail contact>
Show how to test classes using PHPUnit

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