P.H.'s Dependency Injection Container Library
Summary ?
The "P.H.'s DIC" is a simple and lightweight PHP 7.1+ Dependency Injection Container's library which lets you manage your dependencies easily for your next great project ?

Requirements ?
Installation ?
composer require ph-7/dependency-injection-container
Usage ?
Register your new DIC as below (FYI, for this example I use the Symfony's HttpFoundation Request).
For the first example, let's create your provider class with an anonymous class that implements the \PierreHenry\Container\Providable
use PierreHenry\Container\Container;
use PierreHenry\Container\Providable;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
$container = new Container();
// Register your container
new class implements Providable
public function getService(): Request
return Request::createFromGlobals();
// Retrieve the container
$httpRequest = $container->get('example.symfony.httprequest');
// Use it
$request = $httpRequest->request; // $_POST body params
if ($request->get('get_var')) {
echo '$_POST["get var"] exists';
} else {
echo '"get_var" has not been requested';
Another Example... ?
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use PierreHenry\Container\Container;
use PierreHenry\Container\Providable;
$container = new Container();
new class implements Providable
public function getService(): DateTime
return new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago'));
// Retrieve the container
$date = $container->get('stubs.date.datetime');
// Use it
echo $date->format('m-d-Y H:i:s');
Inspired By... ?
This project is highly inspired by my DIC I built for another side-project.
...Who Am I...? ?
Hi there! ? I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, "PierreHenry.be?": a cool passionate Belgian software engineer :belgium: :smiley:
You can keep in touch with me at hi {{AT}} ph7 [[D0T]] me!
Passion Drives Me! ?
Love programming! ? Check out other exciting projects I previously did such as Lifyzer Healthy Food, which gives lots of details about what you eat and allow you do scan your food items ?
Another project I'm proud of is the Social Dating WebApp Builder Project I started 8 years ago ??
License ?
Under GNU GPL v3 or later.