PHP Classes

Classes: Language

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Constructs to assist in the language control.

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  1 - 20   ...   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 389  
  Files folder image QDispatcher  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Instantiate class and call a function

  Files folder image QTracer  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Get information about the current execution script

  Files folder image QuickAPI  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2010
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Ingvar Stepanyan <e-mail contact>
Implement an API with other classes or functions

  Files folder image Quickload  
Author: Martin Lebert <e-mail contact>
Load classes from multiple directories

  Files folder image React PHP Querylist  
Author: Ahmad Mustapha <e-mail contact>
Retrieve Web pages asynchronously using ReactPHP

  Files folder image Recursive reference serialize  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2009
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by Manning
Author: nghia nguyen <e-mail contact>
Serialize objects with cyclic references

  Files folder image Redbox Hydrate  
Author: Johnny Mast <e-mail contact>
Popular object variables from array data

  Files folder image Registry and Service Locator  
Author: Ian Unruh <e-mail contact>
Register classes that implement abstract services

  Files folder image Remote PHP PSR 4 Class Loader  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2020
Number 4
Author: Till Wehowski <e-mail contact>
PSR-4 compliant loader for remote classes

  Files folder image Resilient PHP Task Runner  
Author: Omar Shaban <e-mail contact>
Run a task and retry while it fails for a period

  Files folder image roadrunner  
Author: Wolfy-J <e-mail contact>
Run multiple tasks of PHP in parallel using Golang

  Files folder image RS Error  
Author: V. Yanson <e-mail contact>
Handle errors by logging or displaying messages

  Files folder image Safe Object  
Author: Costin Trifan <e-mail contact>
Dynamically restrict the access to class variables

  Files folder image Sapphire  
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Build an API that handles request asynchronously

  Files folder image scm_autoloader  
Author: IvanSCM <e-mail contact>
Autoload class scanning directories of class files

  Files folder image Select  
Author: Devis Lucato <e-mail contact>
Locate classes that provide named services

  Files folder image Serialize  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2016
Number 10

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Theophilus Omoregbee <e-mail contact>
Automatic serialization of objects with getters

  Files folder image Service Container  
Author: Julian Finkler <e-mail contact>
Register container for service handlers

  Files folder image setTimeout and setInterval  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2009
Number 7

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Sam S <e-mail contact>
Call a function after a period of time

  Files folder image Simple Hook and Plug-ins...  
Author: Mohammed Cherkaoui <e-mail contact>
Extend class functionality with code define in XML

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