PHP Classes

Classes: Language

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Constructs to assist in the language control.

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  1 - 20   ...   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   ...   380 - 389  
  Files folder image PHP Line Length Detector  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2023
Number 3
Author: DeGraciaMathieu <e-mail contact>
Detect the line length of PHP source code files

  Files folder image PHP Long Running Operations  
Author: Alexander Selifonov <e-mail contact>
Execute long operations split in small tasks

  Files folder image PHP Loop Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2021
Number 4
Author: Isa Eken <e-mail contact>
Execute a function a given number of times

  Files folder image PHP Manager Classes  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2020
Number 3
Author: DeGraciaMathieu <e-mail contact>
Manage the access to multiple driver classes

  Files folder image PHP Mini Language  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2019
Number 6
Author: Jorge Castro <e-mail contact>
Execute string of a simple language conditions

  Files folder image PHP Module Loader  
Author: Nick Daniels <e-mail contact>
Load modular classes by name

  Files folder image PHP Module Loader v2  
Author: Nick Daniels <e-mail contact>
Load classes that add modular functionality

  Files folder image PHP Multithreading with...  
Author: Cuthbert Martin Lwinga <e-mail contact>
Run multiple functions at the same time

  Files folder image PHP Namespace Autoload  
Author: Jan Altensen <e-mail contact>
Autoload classes with namespaces from directories

  Files folder image PHP Obfuscate  
Author: Rafael Espinosa <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate PHP encrypting the source code

  Files folder image PHP Object Factory  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2020
Number 4
Author: Aleksandar Zivanovic <e-mail contact>
Create objects of given types defined by name

  Files folder image PHP OOP Autoloader  
Author: Yerfry Ramirez <e-mail contact>
Autoload classes from directories and extensions

  Files folder image PHP OpCache Web Interface  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2018
Number 5
Author: Andrew Collington <e-mail contact>
Show the usage of cached PHP scripts with OpCache

  Files folder image PHP OpenAPI Dispatcher  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2017

Prize: One big elePHPant Plush Mascott
Author: Virgilio lino <e-mail contact>
Dispatch requests to controllers defined in files

  Files folder image PHP Optional Chaining  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2019
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Axel Pardemann <e-mail contact>
Chain class function calls preventing errors

  Files folder image PHP parallel programming  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2009
Author: akash <e-mail contact>
Run parallel scripts using a C++ program

  Files folder image PHP Plain Object with...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2023
Number 6
Author: Andrey Iatsenko <e-mail contact>
Initialize data objects from arrays of values

  Files folder image PHP Plugin System  
Author: Dave Smith <e-mail contact>
Extend functionality using plugin classes

  Files folder image PHP Polimorphism  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 4
Author: adam berger <e-mail contact>
Demonstrate several ways to implement polimorphism

  Files folder image PHP Polymorphism Example  
Author: Manolo Salsas <e-mail contact>
Show several ways of implementing of polymorphism

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