PHP Classes

Classes of Pierre-Henry Soria

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Picture of Pierre-Henry Soria
Name: Pierre-Henry Soria <contact>
Classes: 47
Country: United Kingdom
Age: 33
All time rank: 37516 in United Kingdom
Week rank: 31 Up1 in United Kingdom Up
All time users: 7286
Week users: 2
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 17x

Winner: 3x
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  Files folder image Cute PHP Link Names  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2022
Number 6
Convert URL to improve its readability level

  Files folder image Dinobot on Tabletop Game  
Play the Dinobot game on the terminal console

  Files folder image Fake PHP Admin Panel HoneyPot  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2019
Number 2
Implements a fake admin panel for a site

  Files folder image Free Text Search  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 3
Search for data taking common words typed by users

  Files folder image GetMeALatte  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2022
Number 7
Promote a product to be sold to a crowd

  Files folder image Github PHP Rating  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2022
Compute a score of your participation in GitHub

  Files folder image H2OGame PHP Game Engine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2021
Number 6
Application to manage an online games platform

  Files folder image H2OTpl  
Process and output PHP template scripts

  Files folder image Heloise Laravel Blog Package  
Simple blog system with comments and RSS feed

  Files folder image Just Http Status Codes  
Constants for the most common HTTP status codes

  Files folder image Link2Payment  
Application to generate links for people to pay

  Files folder image Minimalist PHP Sales Site  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2022
Number 9
Implement a sales site from configuration files

  Files folder image  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2022
Number 7
Plan a life change to a different country

  Files folder image MySQL Dump Backup  
Backup a MySQL database using mysqldump command

  Files folder image pH2 Gravatar  
Get the Gravatar user image link with an email

  Files folder image pH7 PHP Web App Boilerplate  
Start a Web app development using boilerplate code

  Files folder image pH7Client  
Send HTTP requests and decode the responses

  Files folder image PHP 5.4 Session Upload...  
Track the progress of file uploads using sessions

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 2

Prize: 30 Days Free Access to O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform
Perform calculations and get the results via AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Character Counter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2023
Number 4
Count characters in a text input using AJAX

  Files folder image PHP Companies Lookup  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2021
Number 7
Find companies in the Companies House Database

  Files folder image PHP Cookie Session Manager  
Store and retrieve data in cookies or PHP sessions

  Files folder image PHP Dating Affiliate Tools  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2021
Number 6
Allow to register in affiliate site from your site

  Files folder image PHP Email Scraper  
Extract email addresses from a page into a file

  Files folder image PHP Emoticon Parser  
Replace emoticon text by HTML image tags

  Files folder image PHP EU VAT Validation  
Validate VAT number using VIES API

  Files folder image PHP GitHub Readme Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2022
Generate Markdown files to describe projects

  Files folder image PHP HTML to Text  
Convert HTML string to text from the HTML document

  Files folder image PHP HTTP Header Response  
Send response headers to process HTTP requests

  Files folder image PHP Lorem-Ipsum Generator...  
Generate fake text to test page presentation

  Files folder image PHP Markdown and BBCode Parser  
Parse and replace Markdown and BBCode by HTML

  Files folder image PHP Mobile Phone Detection  
Detect when a site use is using a mobile phone

  Files folder image PHP Not Allowed  
Detect and filter unwanted information

  Files folder image PHP Obfuscator Code  
Obfuscate PHP code using base64 and compression

  Files folder image PHP OpenAI Library  
Search engine for text using OpenAI API

  Files folder image PHP Passcode and Password...  
Generate password strings that follow rules

  Files folder image PHP RESTful API Example  
Example implementation of a REST API

  Files folder image PHP Type Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2022
Number 9
Get the names of each basic PHP data type

  Files folder image PHP URL Rewrite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 2
Generate Apache configuration to rewrite URLs

  Files folder image PHP Website Informer Tools  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Number 6
Tool to show relevant information about Web sites

  Files folder image QR Code Generate  
Generate QRCode images using Google Charts API

  Files folder image Sapphire  
Build an API that handles request asynchronously

  Files folder image Simple PHP Dependency...  
Container to register and call service providers

  Files folder image Simple PHP Podcast Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2022
Generate podcast RSS from audio and video files

  Files folder image Slim Simple PHP URL Shortener  
Application to create and expand short URLs

  Files folder image Unsplash Helper  
Display images from

  Files folder image XSLT PHP Template Engine  
Process templates using XSLT

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