PHP Classes

Classes: Language

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Constructs to assist in the language control.

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  1 - 20   ...   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   ...   380 - 389  
  Files folder image Minimal Singleton  
Author: Ahmad Mustapha <e-mail contact>
Show how to create only one object of class

  Files folder image minspecto  
Author: Pashkov Denis Igorevich <e-mail contact>
Implementation of Aspect Oriented Programming

  Files folder image miXin  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2011
Number 9
Author: David Boskovic <e-mail contact>
Extend classes by using several mixin classes

  Files folder image MME  
Author: Fernando Costa(14biss) <e-mail contact>
Handle PHP errors by sending e-mail

  Files folder image Multi Threaded Daemon -...  
Author: Daniel Kadosh <e-mail contact>
Daemon that spawns multiple parallel threads

  Files folder image Multi-thread Simulation  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Alex Lau <e-mail contact>
Emulate threads using separate HTTP requests

  Files folder image Multi-threading in PHP  
Author: Bijaya Kumar Behera <e-mail contact>
Run emulated parallel threads with HTTP requests

  Files folder image Multiple includes  
Author: Tofeeq ur Rehman <e-mail contact>
Include multiple PHP scripts in a single call

  Files folder image Mutex  
Author: Joey Novak <e-mail contact>
Assure exclusive to resources using file locks

  Files folder image My Loader  
Author: Hermann D. Schimpf <e-mail contact>
Load classes from configured files

  Files folder image MyClasses  
Author: Nemeth Zoltan <e-mail contact>
Set of classes for Web application development

  Files folder image Named Parameters  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2011
Number 9
Author: Stefan Jibrail Froelich <e-mail contact>
Call functions passing parameters by name

  Files folder image Namespace-aware autoloader  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2011
Number 9
Author: Richard Keizer <e-mail contact>
Load classes automatically supporting namespaces

  Files folder image Namespaces  
Author: Salvan Grégory <e-mail contact>
Load classes from defined namespaces

  Files folder image NamespaceSim  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Martin Alterisio <e-mail contact>
Emulate class namespaces under PHP 5

  Files folder image Nest  
Author: Rick Hambrook <e-mail contact>
Easily set and get values of nested arrays

  Files folder image Ninja Mutex  
Author: Kamil Dziedzic <e-mail contact>
Lock resources to prevent simultaneous accesses

  Files folder image Null Object  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2013
Number 8

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Elger van Boxtel <e-mail contact>
Set objects that do nothing but avoid fatal errors

  Files folder image Object extend  
Author: jooorooo <e-mail contact>
Extend objects adding functions dynamically

  Files folder image Object Extensions for PHP  
Author: Andrew Hanna <e-mail contact>
Extend objects with more functions and variables

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