PHP Classes

Classes of Ahmad Mustapha

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Picture of Ahmad Mustapha
Name: Ahmad Mustapha <contact>
Classes: 24
Country: Nigeria Nigeria
Age: ???
All time rank: 227411 in Nigeria Nigeria
Week rank: 2 Up1 in Nigeria Nigeria Up
All time users: 1073
Week users: 26
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 9x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Guzzle Wrapper  
Wrapper to send HTTP requests using Guzzle package

  Files folder image ICT PHP Expenses Management  
API to manage records of expenses of users

  Files folder image Inisev Sub PHP Email API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2021
Number 6
API to manage newsletter subscriptions

  Files folder image Minimal Singleton  
Show how to create only one object of class

  Files folder image PHP Application Server  
Run application with different types of Web server

  Files folder image PHP Country and State List...  
Get the list of world countries and their states

  Files folder image PHP Database Backup  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 6
Take a database backup periodically

  Files folder image PHP Download URL Content  
Automate download of files from different sites

  Files folder image PHP HTTP Status Code...  
Return HTTP status codes and their descriptions

  Files folder image PHP Todo List  
Application to manage a list of tasks to do

  Files folder image PReact PHP Ask...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2020
Number 3
Ask confirmation before actions they are executed

  Files folder image QueryList Wrapper  
Retrieve and scrape Web page using QueryList

  Files folder image Quick Laravel Like PHP...  
Route HTTP requests to functions like Laravel

  Files folder image React PHP Clock Timer  
Execute tasks at regular periods of time

  Files folder image React PHP Querylist  
Retrieve Web pages asynchronously using ReactPHP

  Files folder image React PHP Timer Loop  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2020
Number 9
Call functions after a given time like JavaScript

  Files folder image ReactPHP Chat Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2020
Number 2

Prize: 30 Days Free Access to O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform
Implement a live chat system based on Web Sockets

  Files folder image ReactPHP HTTP Server Response  
Generate HTTP server responses using middleware

  Files folder image Simple PHP Promise Library  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2020
Number 3
Register functions to call when conditions are met

  Files folder image Simple React PHP CRUD  
Manipulate records in a page done using ReactPHP

  Files folder image Simple React PHP HTTP Server  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2021
Number 7
Pure PHP HTTP server using ReactPHP library

  Files folder image Swoose  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2022
Number 3
Manage sessions stored and retrieved using Swoole

  Files folder image Swotch PHP File Change...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 6
Watch file changes in PHP Swoole applications

  Files folder image Utility Web PHP API  
API to retrieve movie details and other resources

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