PHP Classes

Classes: Files and Folders

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Files and Folders

Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders.

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  1 - 20   ...   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   ...   1200 - 1217  
  Files folder image Disk Cache Class  
Author: Luciano Filho <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve cache data in disk files

  Files folder image Disk Usage  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Calculate the disk space usage of a directory

  Files folder image Display code  
Author: anthony Huebers <e-mail contact>
Display source code files highlighted

  Files folder image Div PHP Nodes  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2015
Number 6
Author: Rafa Rodriguez <e-mail contact>
Manage database of objects stored in record files

  Files folder image dm.File  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Wrapper for processing file contents

  Files folder image Docusend PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2018
Number 9
Author: Fred Morgan <e-mail contact>
Send printed document files via US Postal Service

  Files folder image Docverter  
Author: Eric Jumba <e-mail contact>
Convert files between different document formats

  Files folder image download  
Author: Klaus Pieper <e-mail contact>
Download files with the appropriate headers.

  Files folder image Download 2  
Author: Marko Schulz <e-mail contact>
Serve files for download and count them with files

  Files folder image Download file  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
download any file from a server

  Files folder image Download file serving  
Author: M.G.Ranga Pathmasiri <e-mail contact>
Serving files for download with a PHP script

  Files folder image Download Images from Google  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search images on Google and download its files

  Files folder image Download POP3/IMAP attachment  
Author: wathek <e-mail contact>
Get the files attached to e-mail messages

  Files folder image Download ZIP from URL  
Author: Trev Tune <e-mail contact>
Download and extract a zip file from a remote site

  Files folder image Downloader  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Log files served for download

  Files folder image dUnzip2  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Pack and unpack files packed in ZIP archives

  Files folder image DXS XmlDB  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2018
Number 5
Author: Laurence Perales <e-mail contact>
Manipulate databases stored in XML files using SQL

  Files folder image Easy Archives  
Author: alban.lopez <e-mail contact>
Manage tar, gzip, bzip2 and zip archives

  Files folder image Easy Cache  
Author: Sandor Huszagh <e-mail contact>
Set and get values stored in cache files

  Files folder image Easy Download  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Serve a file for download with a PHP script

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