PHP Classes

Classes of Nitesh Apte

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Picture of Nitesh Apte
Name: Nitesh Apte is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Nitesh Apte . Nitesh Apte Google profile
Classes: 17
Country: India India
Age: 40
All time rank: 1337 in India India
Week rank: 258 Down21 in India India Down
All time users: 14463
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Auto Pagination  
Generate listing pagination links

  Files folder image Data Migrator and Merger  
Synchronize MySQL tables with another database

  Files folder image Database Abstraction  
Access different types of SQL database

  Files folder image Define MVC  
A front controller based MVC framework

  Files folder image Define MVC PHP 8  
Framework to route requests via a front controller

  Files folder image Disk Usage  
Calculate the disk space usage of a directory

  Files folder image Error Logging  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2010

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Handle PHP fatal and non-fatal execution errors

  Files folder image IMDB  
Redirect to the page of a movie in IMDB

  Files folder image Login System  
Authenticate users with records in a database

  Files folder image MAC Address Generator  
Generate MAC addresses

  Files folder image PDO Database Abstraction Layer  
Database access wrapper based on PDO

  Files folder image PHP AJAX RSS News Reader  
Convert RSS feeds into HTML links

  Files folder image PHP Error and Exception...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2015
Number 2

Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
Log PHP exceptions, common and fatal errors

  Files folder image PHP YouTube Movie Trailers...  
Fetch and show YouTube movie trailers

  Files folder image PHP YouTube Video Downloader  
Download files of given YouTube videos

  Files folder image SOAP HTTP Header Sender  
Send SOAP client requests using Curl

  Files folder image YouTube Trailer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2010
Number 3

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Search and embed movie trailers from YouTube

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z