PHP Classes

Classes: Files and Folders

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Files and Folders

Listing, accessing and manipulating files and folders.

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  1 - 20   ...   1061 - 1080   1081 - 1100   1101 - 1120   1121 - 1140   1141 - 1160   1161 - 1180   1181 - 1200   1201 - 1217  
  Files folder image User PHP Ini File Mangement  
Author: Rich Rohde <e-mail contact>
Get and set configuration values from INI files

  Files folder image Users  
Author: Peter <e-mail contact>
Manage user records stored in files

  Files folder image Utils  
Author: Sandro Alves Peres <e-mail contact>
Classes for accessing databases manipulating dates

  Files folder image vCard Class  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
Class to manipulate with vCard information

  Files folder image vCard Creator Full  
Author: Behrouz Pooladrag <e-mail contact>
Generate user contact files in vCard format

  Files folder image Vcard_Parse  
Author: Paul M. Jones <e-mail contact>
A PHP class to parse vCard files.

  Files folder image Verbo Magia  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2015
Number 9
Author: Luciano Salvino <e-mail contact>
Create PDF documents with index section

  Files folder image Very simple random text  
Author: Amr Sobhy <e-mail contact>
Pick a random line from text line

  Files folder image vinCache  
Author: Vinay Yadav <e-mail contact>
Site caching class

  Files folder image VS PHP Word HTML  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2015

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Raskin Veniamin <e-mail contact>
Create DOCX Word document dynamically from HTML

  Files folder image WaldScan  
Author: Karl Holz <e-mail contact>
Scan directories for files with certain extensions

  Files folder image WavEdit  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 5
Author: Thi Dinh <e-mail contact>
Manipulate audio files in the WAV format

  Files folder image Web Image Class  
Author: Rahman Haghparast <e-mail contact>
This class searches web and downloads images

  Files folder image Web Shell Searcher  
Author: andrei vadimovich <e-mail contact>
Search for words in files

  Files folder image Web Site and Database Backup  
Author: Muhammad Sohail Khan <e-mail contact>
Take backup copies of files and MySQL databases

  Files folder image WebDAV client  
Author: Chris Juerges <e-mail contact>
WebDAV client to access files in a HTTP server

  Files folder image WebExplore  
Author: Anirban Bhattacharya <e-mail contact>
Browse and manage files on the Web

  Files folder image Webhook Deploy  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2024
Number 2
Author: Matheusz Maydana <e-mail contact>
Webhook handler to update projects from GitHub

  Files folder image Website Cache  
Author: William Lang <e-mail contact>
Retrieve site pages and store in cache files

  Files folder image Website PHP Full Text Search  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2021
Number 5
Author: Gert Massheimer <e-mail contact>
Search for text expressions in files in a folder

  1 - 20   ...   1061 - 1080   1081 - 1100   1101 - 1120   1121 - 1140   1141 - 1160   1161 - 1180   1181 - 1200   1201 - 1217  
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