PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Juan Chaves

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Juan Chaves (13)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Name: Juan Chaves <contact>
Classes: 13
Country: Spain Spain
Age: 56
All time rank: 144431 in Spain Spain
Week rank: 345 Up16 in Spain Spain Up
All time users: 2057
Week users: 1
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


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  Files folder image Change Characters  
Replace characters in a text strings

  Files folder image Find IP  
Get the IP address of computer accessing the site

  Files folder image Invalid Characters  
Check if a string has any invalid characters

  Files folder image PHP JE5  
Embed canvas or media with je5 jQuery plugin

  Files folder image PHP Youtube Embed class  
Generate HTML to embed a YouTube video in a page

  Files folder image Random Password  
Generate random text to use as password

  Files folder image Save and Convert Images  
Retrieve remote images and convert formats

  Files folder image Search Tags in String  
Extract given tags from a HTML document

  Files folder image Simple API REST Class PHP  
Process REST API server requests

  Files folder image Simple Wordpress Slideshow...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2019
WordPress plugin to display a slideshow on a post

  Files folder image Very Simple WordPress Map...  
Display maps in WordPress pages with OpenStreetMap

  Files folder image WordPress Popup Plugin  
Plugin to show popup windows in WordPress pages

  Files folder image WP Visitor Statistics Plugin  
Create links to customized WordPress statistics

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