PHP Classes

Classes of Alexey Dodonov

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Picture of Alexey Dodonov
Name: Alexey Dodonov <contact>
Classes: 58
Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation
Age: ???
All time rank: 185454 in Russian Federation Russian Federation
Week rank: 4 Up1 in Russian Federation Russian Federation Up
All time users: 1484
Week users: 22
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 13x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Mezon  
Autoload any needed classes of the Mezon framework

  Files folder image Mezon AJAX Application  
Create AJAX applications using the Mezon framework

  Files folder image Mezon CLI  
Create files for Mezon framework applications

  Files folder image Mezon Crud Service Client...  
Connect Mezon list builder with CRUD services

  Files folder image Mezon CRUD Service Collection  
Call a service to manipulate a collection records

  Files folder image Mezon Custom PHP HTTP Request  
Send HTTP requests with a single line of code

  Files folder image Mezon Database CRUD...  
Model to perform CRUD operations using a database

  Files folder image Mezon Field  
Base class for form fields in Mezon based HTML GUI

  Files folder image Mezon Fields Set  
Manipulate a set of field types and constraints

  Files folder image Mezon Formal Grammar  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2022
Number 6
Validate a string according to your grammar rules

  Files folder image Mezon Infrastructure Layer  
Base classes to implement Web applications

  Files folder image Mezon List Builder Adapter  
Implement data sources for Mezon list builder

  Files folder image Mezon Model Service Class...  
Map entity variables into database table fields

  Files folder image mezon PHP Application  
Create applications from configuration files

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Application Actions  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2020
Number 8
Provide default actions for CRUD based application

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Cache Key-Value...  
Store and retrieve key-value pairs in cache files

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Checkbox Field  
Get the HTML for a checkbox from a field record

  Files folder image mezon PHP Configuration...  
Manipulate configuration options store in arrays

  Files folder image Mezon PHP CRUD API Service...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2020
Number 6
Client to call an API that provides a CRUD service

  Files folder image Mezon PHP CRUD Generator...  
Generate Web service that performs CRUD operations

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Crud Model Service  
Model execute CRUD operations on database records

  Files folder image Mezon PHP CRUD Service...  
Client to call a CRUD service

  Files folder image mezon PHP Date and Time...  
Manipulate date and time values

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Date Time...  
Perform useful operations with date and time

  Files folder image mezon PHP DNS Service...  
Register and query Web services by name

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Functional...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2020
Number 10
Manipulate objects with functional programming

  Files folder image Mezon PHP GUI Builder  
Generate HTML based UI from component classes

  Files folder image Mezon PHP HTML Report Builder  
Generate HTML to compose reports

  Files folder image Mezon PHP HTML Template Engine  
Process HTML templates replacing variables

  Files folder image Mezon PHP HTTP Request Params  
Get the values of the current HTTP request

  Files folder image Mezon PHP HTTP Request Values  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2022
Number 6
Get HTTP request parameters by a specific order

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Jira API client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2021
Number 7
Access projects in Jira using its API

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Model Class  
Store and retrieve model objects in a database

  Files folder image Mezon PHP MVC View  

  Files folder image Mezon PHP MVP Presenter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2021
Number 2
MVP design pattern presenter classes

  Files folder image mezon PHP PDO CRUD  
Execute common database queries using PDO

  Files folder image mezon PHP POP3 Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2020
Number 8
Retrieve email messages from a mailbox using POP3

  Files folder image mezon PHP Router Library  
Route HTTP requests mapping URLs into classes

  Files folder image mezon PHP Service Transport  
Implements service and application transport logic

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Singleton Class  
Create object of a class that only has 1 instance

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Social Network...  
Access APIs of social networks and get user data

  Files folder image Mezon PHP SQL Filter Query...  
Generate SQL query condition clauses from arrays

  Files folder image mezon PHP Template Engine  
Process templates to generate HTML Web pages

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Utility Function  
Useful general purpose functions to use in PHP

  Files folder image mezon PHP WebService Client  
Send call to Web service registered in a directory

  Files folder image Mezon Record Field  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2021
Number 8
Create form fields to edit values stored remotely

  Files folder image Mezon Remote Field  
Form inputs to edit values got from a CRUD service

  Files folder image Mezon Request Router...  
Fetch the current HTTP request router parameter

  Files folder image Mezon REST Exception  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2021
Number 7
Exception class to use in REST APIs applications

  Files folder image Mezon Router Benchmark  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Measure the performance of PHP framework routers

  Files folder image Mezon Security Provider  
Store authenticated user data using sessions

  Files folder image Mezon Service  
Implement Web services routing requests to classes

  Files folder image Mezon Service Logic  
Implements the logic of service components

  Files folder image Mezon Service PHP API Client  
Send HTTP requests to remote service APIs

  Files folder image Mezon Variadic Model  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2022
Number 3
Set model objects implemented with services

  Files folder image mezon-security  
Validate uploaded files using multiple rules

  Files folder image PHP 2 Excel  
Process a job split in multiple requests

  Files folder image PHP Selenium Low Level Tools  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Control a browser via Selenium WebDriver

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