PHP Classes

Classes of Bijaya Kumar Behera

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Picture of Bijaya Kumar  Behera
Name: Bijaya Kumar Behera <contact>
Classes: 6
Country: India India
Age: ???
All time rank: 65934 in India India
Week rank: 10 Up4 in India India Up
All time users: 4319
Week users: 80
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x
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  Files folder image jApi RPC  
Handle client and server API calls

  Files folder image Multi-threading in PHP  
Run emulated parallel threads with HTTP requests

  Files folder image PHP Cron Job Runner  
Start and stop tasks in the background

  Files folder image PHP Ezy Query  
Execute queries to MySQL, MongoDB and memcached

  Files folder image PHP OTP Login  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2015
Authenticate users using the computer MAC address

  Files folder image Secure Session Management  
Create and manage secure user sessions

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