PHP Classes

Classes: Data types

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Data types

Modeling and manipulating data types.

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  1 - 20   ...   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 400   401 - 402  
  Files folder image TypeSafeStruct  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2009
Number 11
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Manipulate type safe objects

  Files folder image ubarray  
Author: Reynier Blanco <e-mail contact>
Generate arrays with a special structure

  Files folder image ubNode  
Author: Reynier Blanco <e-mail contact>
Convert objects into XML and vice-versa

  Files folder image Variable Store  
Author: Christian Vigh <e-mail contact>
Store key value pairs in array variables

  Files folder image Walker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2010
Number 6

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Author: Arthur Borisow <e-mail contact>
Convert an array into hierarchic data

  Files folder image xArray  
Author: Ve Bailovity <e-mail contact>
Manipulate arrays like Prototype

  Files folder image XML  
Author: Ricardo Alexandre Sismeiro <e-mail contact>
Parse XML documents into arrays and vice-versa

  Files folder image XML 2 Array  
Author: Michal Palma <e-mail contact>
Parse an XML document into an array XPATH indexed

  Files folder image XML Array  
Author: Augusto Cesar Castoldi <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve arrays from XML documents

  Files folder image XML Object  
Author: Augusto Cesar Castoldi <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve objects from XML documents

  Files folder image XML To Array  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Parse XML documents and retrieve data into arrays

  Files folder image Xml2Array  
Author: Andrioli Darvin <e-mail contact>
The class parse an XML file and load it

  Files folder image xml2Object  
Author: Victor Anaya <e-mail contact>
Parse an XML file and load its data in the object

  Files folder image XmlArray  
Author: Vasile Sebastian <e-mail contact>
Parse an XML document into an array and vice-versa

  Files folder image XMLns2array  
Author: Mark Holtzhausen <e-mail contact>
Convert a XML document into an array

  Files folder image XML_Array  
Author: Ahmed Magdy Ezzeldin <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve arrays in XML documents

  Files folder image Xyndravandria Erozaver  
Author: Mauro Di Girolamo <e-mail contact>
Validate function parameters with type hinting

  Files folder image Yii2 Active Record Explicit  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2023
Number 6
Author: Smoren Freelight <e-mail contact>
Provide explicit behaviors to Yii2 ActiveRecord

  Files folder image Yii2 Array Storage  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Number 6
Author: Smoren Freelight <e-mail contact>
Manage lists of values like associative arrays

  Files folder image Yii2 PHP Active Record...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2024
Number 8
Author: Gabriel Alejandro López López <e-mail contact>
Process file uploads to use with model classes

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