PHP Classes

Classes: Data types

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Data types

Modeling and manipulating data types.

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  1 - 20   ...   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 400   401 - 402  
  Files folder image Simple JSON DB  
Author: Gustavo de Arruda Paes <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve data from files in JSON format

  Files folder image Simple PHP Array  
Author: Sazan Dauti <e-mail contact>
Manipulate the entries of an array

  Files folder image Simple PHP Collection  
Author: Chun-Sheng, Li <e-mail contact>
Manage collections of values using array iterators

  Files folder image Simple PHP Registry Class  
Author: Dryzler <e-mail contact>
Create a registry using the singleton pattern

  Files folder image Simple PHP String Functions  
Author: Josantonius <e-mail contact>
Manipulate text strings in several ways

  Files folder image Simple Stack  
Author: ashwin suresh morey <e-mail contact>
Manipulate and show values in stack

  Files folder image Simple XML Generator  
Author: Marcos Timm Rossow <e-mail contact>
Create XML documents from arrays using SimpleXML

  Files folder image Singly Linked List  
Author: Allan Bogh <e-mail contact>
Manage singly linked lists of data values

  Files folder image smrtClass  
Author: Mike Stowe <e-mail contact>
Manage objects with variables of strict types

  Files folder image Sort  
Author: Maldar <e-mail contact>
Sorting arrays with different algorithms

  Files folder image Sort MD Array  
Author: Raj Kumar Trivedi <e-mail contact>
Sort bidimensional arrays

  Files folder image Sorted List  
Author: Matías montes <e-mail contact>
Sort objects of a double linked list

  Files folder image SPL and Iterators  
Author: Johan Barbier <e-mail contact>
Implements several iterators using SPL

  Files folder image SQL Object  
Author: Thomas <e-mail contact>
Retrieve MySQL query results as array objects

  Files folder image sql4array  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2007
Number 3
Author: Sylvain Rabot <e-mail contact>
Query PHP arrays using an SQL dialect

  Files folder image Stack  
Author: Brian Takita <e-mail contact>
A stack (LIFO) data structure.

  Files folder image Stack 2  
Author: Carey R. Dayrit <e-mail contact>
Manipulate stacks using two dimensional arrays

  Files folder image Stack Array  
Author: Brian Price <e-mail contact>
Manage a stack of data values

  Files folder image Status splitter  
Author: Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon <e-mail contact>
Set and get binary masks associated to labels

  Files folder image Storage  
Author: Domenico Pontari <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve variable values from files

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