PHP Classes

Classes of Chun-Sheng, Li

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Picture of Chun-Sheng, Li
Name: Chun-Sheng, Li <contact>
Classes: 36
Country: Taiwan Taiwan
Age: 31
All time rank: 21096 in Taiwan Taiwan
Week rank: 8 Up1 in Taiwan Taiwan Up
All time users: 1208
Week users: 10
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 16x

Winner: 1x
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  Files folder image 104 Jobs  
Get details about jobs posted in the 104 Jobs site

  Files folder image Emask Notifier  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2024
Number 6
Send SMS messages using an API and notify by email

  Files folder image General Validator  
Validate text strings of different types of values

  Files folder image IFTTT PHP Server Monitor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2023
Number 7
Check if a server is up and notify a IFTTT service

  Files folder image Laravel Simple Validation  
Add validation rules to use in Laravel application

  Files folder image Light Controller  
Trigger event in IFFTT using a Webhook

  Files folder image Math Combinatorics  
Combinations and permutations of a set of values

  Files folder image MSG Queue  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2024
Queue SysV messages for processing by workers

  Files folder image Peter PHP HTTP Client Library  
Access sites with HTTP request/response classes

  Files folder image PHP Web Monetization  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2022
Number 4
Add a simple payment URL to monetize site pages

  Files folder image PHP APK File Detect  
Build a database of information on Android Apps

  Files folder image PHP APK File Download...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2019
Number 3
Download Android app files from various sites

  Files folder image PHP Collections Library  
Manage collections of data values stored as arrays

  Files folder image PHP Convert Base36  
Encode and decode data using Base36 encoding

  Files folder image PHP Dependency Injection...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2023
Number 6
Perform math calculations using an injected object

  Files folder image PHP Dot Notation to Array  
Access arrays using the dot notation text keys

  Files folder image PHP Facebook Messenger Bot...  
Build bot to interact with Facebook Messenger user

  Files folder image PHP Instagram Feed...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Send Instagram posts by email

  Files folder image PHP NASA Image of the Day API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2023
Number 6
Show the image of the day retrieved from NASA API

  Files folder image PHP Simple Container Class  
Inject classes and create objects using containers

  Files folder image PHP Social Network Sync  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2022
Synchronize post feeds between social networks

  Files folder image PHP STMR  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2023
Number 6
PHP extension to implement the Porter stemmer

  Files folder image PHP Travis Encrypter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2017
Number 8
Generate encrypted environment variable for Travis

  Files folder image PHP Utility Functions  
General-purpose utility functions

  Files folder image PHP UUID Generator V1  
Generate a RFC 4122-compliant unique identifier

  Files folder image PHP Web Service Bundle  
Call APIs to email, shorten URLs and upload images

  Files folder image PHP Women's Menstruation  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2023
Number 6
Application to calculate women's menstruation days

  Files folder image PHP Work from Home Schedule  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2023
Number 8
Propose a schedule to work from home or the office

  Files folder image Scheduler  
Queue jobs to be executed by worker tasks

  Files folder image Selective PHP Image...  
Perform several types of image manipulation

  Files folder image Simple PHP Collection  
Manage collections of values using array iterators

  Files folder image Struct  
Trait that implements class getters and setters

  Files folder image URL Tracker Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2022
Number 7
Get the URL to where a short URL redirects

  Files folder image Web Analyzer  
Analyze contents of pages retrieved with a browser

  Files folder image Web Extract Worker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2024
Number 6
Output images from prompts with CloudFlare AI API

  Files folder image WP Post  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Classes to manipulate WordPress posts and images

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