PHP Classes

Classes: Data types

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Data types

Modeling and manipulating data types.

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  1 - 20   ...   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   ...   400 - 402  
  Files folder image Object and Variable Registry  
Author: Chris Pliakas <e-mail contact>
Register variables for use in any scope

  Files folder image Object Box  
Author: Jeremy Stansfield <e-mail contact>
Process events with collections of objects

  Files folder image Object To XML  
Author: Jason Houle <e-mail contact>
Generate XML from values of object variables

  Files folder image ObjectVar  
Author: Marcelo Octane FX <e-mail contact>
Create and assign dinamic variables

  Files folder image Oire Serializer  
Author: Andre Polykanine A.K.A. Menelion Elensúlë <e-mail contact>
Serialize data types in multiple ways

  Files folder image On Time Data Dictionary...  
Author: Mario Carrocera <e-mail contact>
Store and validate values in a data dictionary

  Files folder image OnTime Table Trait  
Author: Mario Carrocera <e-mail contact>
Manage table data records stored in JSON files

  Files folder image Options Resolver  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2022
Number 8
Author: Boss Ibrahim Mussa <e-mail contact>
Configure objects with option arrays

  Files folder image Output Filter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2010
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Fabian Schmengler <e-mail contact>
Filter scalars, arrays, data objects recursively

  Files folder image Package Base  
Author: WsdlToPhp <e-mail contact>
Base classes for implementing a package generator

  Files folder image pClosure  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2009
Number 9
Author: Sam S <e-mail contact>
Create closure functions for any PHP 5 version

  Files folder image PDO Prepared MySQL...  
Author: Name Removed <e-mail contact>
Prepare and execute MySQL queries using PDO

  Files folder image Persistent Array  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2008
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Access flat file databases like arrays

  Files folder image Persistent PHP...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2018
Number 6
Author: zinsou A.A.E.Moďse <e-mail contact>
Create array variables that act like superglobals

  Files folder image Pharaoh Classes  
Author: Moamen Eltouny <e-mail contact>
General purpose classes for the Pharaoh project

  Files folder image PHON  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2008
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Martin Alterisio <e-mail contact>
Unserialize values exported with var_export

  Files folder image PHP Array Binary Search  
Author: Felix Ivan Romero Rodríguez <e-mail contact>
Search, sort, get the average, unique array values

  Files folder image PHP Array Diff...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2019
Number 3
Author: Niko <e-mail contact>
Get differences between 2 multidimensional arrays

  Files folder image PHP Array Dump  
Author: henrik <e-mail contact>
creates a readable string from an array obejct

  Files folder image PHP Array Functions  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2019
Number 5
Author: Muhammad Umer Farooq <e-mail contact>
Determine the type and run other array operations

  1 - 27   ...   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   217 - 243   244 - 270   271 - 297   ...   378 - 402  
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