PHP Classes

LINQ In PHP: Query arrays with a SQL-like syntax using LINQ

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Picture of Tufan Baris YILDIRIM
Name: Tufan Baris YILDIRIM <contact>
Classes: 11 packages by
Country: Turkey Turkey
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x

Winner: 4x

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This class can be used to query arrays,html,xml or json file with a SQL-like syntax using LINQ.

It takes an array as parameter and can perform several types of queries using an SQL-like syntax as if the array was a relational database.

Currently it supports performing SELECT , DELETE, INSERT and UPDATE queries.

Example SELECT Queries:
- SELECT *FROM myArray ORDER BY key DESC,value ASC,
- SELECT key,value FROM myArray WHERE value='100',
- SELECT * FROM json_file(my_json_file.txt),
- SELECT * FROM xml_file( WHERE title LIKE '%linq%'
- SELECT *FROM html_file( WHERE class='post_title'
- SELECT *FROM text_file(data.txt) WHERE in_array('.line.',array(1,2,3,4,5,6,))
-SELECT * FROM dir_files(doc).files WHERE name LIKE '%D3Linq%'
- SELECT *FROM myArray.subitems WHERE name='Tufan'
- SELECT DISTINCT surname FROM personnels ORDER BY surname DESC

Example INSERT Queries:
- INSERT INTO myArray (name,surname) VALUES ('Tufan','YILDIRIM')
- INSERT INTO myArray.subitems ('known_langs') VALUES ('PHP,C#,C++')

Example UPDATE Queries:
- UPDATE myArray SET name='TUFAN' WHERE surname='YILDIRIM',
- UPDATE myarray.subitems SET known_lags='PHP,C#'

Example DELETE Queries:
- DELETE FROM myArray WHERE name='Tufan'
- DELETE FROM myArray.subistems WHERE known_language LIKE '%PHP%'

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Base name: linq-in-php
Description: Query arrays with a SQL-like syntax using LINQ
Version: 1.6.0
PHP version: 5.3
License: Artistic License
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  Files folder image Screenshots  
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Accessible without login Image file self_debugger.png Screen Linq Self Debugger

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2010

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
LINQ is a framework created by Microsoft for querying data sets that may be stored for instance array variables, XML documents or JSON structures. It can use an SQL-like dialect for querying data.

This class provides a pure PHP implementation of the LINQ data querying framework.

Manuel Lemos

  Packages needed by this class  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
DB Engine Download .zip .tar.gz db_engine/tools/d3grid.php need for display linq result in a html table. Optional

  Pages that reference this package  
.NET meraklilari ya da takipçilerinin bir çogu LINQ (Language Integrated Query) i de ayni ilgi ile takip eder...

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  Applications that use this package  
Linq Project Page
Main Linq page

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  Related pages  
PhpLinq History
PHPLinq Blog Page

  Files folder image Files  
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Files folder imageExamples (3 files)
Files folder imageFunc_Example (4 files)
Plain text file D3Linq.php Class D3Linq Class File
Accessible without login Plain text file debug_example.php Example Activating Self Debugger on error
Accessible without login HTML file Doc Doc. Change Log
Accessible without login Plain text file linq_test.php Example Speed Test in big array.

  Files folder image Files  /  Examples  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file Example.php Example Linq in PHP Example Queries
  Accessible without login Plain text file Insert_Example Example Example Insert Queries
  Accessible without login Plain text file MultiCol_Example Example Linq Example For MultiColumns Arrays

  Files folder image Files  /  Func_Example  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file dir_files.php Example Select *from dir_files
  Accessible without login Plain text file json_file_Examle.php Example Select *from json_file(....
  Accessible without login Plain text file my_json_file.txt Data Json Database File
  Accessible without login Plain text file xml_file_Examle.php Example Select *from xml_file(...

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