PHP Classes

Simple JSON DB: Store and retrieve data from files in JSON format

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Picture of Gustavo de Arruda Paes
Name: Gustavo de Arruda Paes <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Brazil Brazil

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This class can be used to store and retrieve data from files in JSON format.

It can set one or more key-value pairs and save all the values to a file serializing in JSON format.

The class can also open a previously saved file and read the saved values into a class array variable.

The comments in the class are in Portuguese.

In Portuguese:

Leia e escreva arquivos do tipo JSON. Com essa classe você pode criar um simples banco de dados com arquivos em disco.

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Name: Simple JSON DB
Base name: simple-json-db
Description: Store and retrieve data from files in JSON format
Version: 1.107.15
PHP version: 5.0
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file exemplo.php Example Example file
Plain text file json.db.php Class The class
Accessible without login Plain text file video.json Output Example Json

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