PHP Classes

Classes: Content management

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Content management

Components and tools to manage content.

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  1 - 20   ...   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   261 - 280   ...   480 - 485  
  Files folder image Multi-User Tag Cloud  
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Manage clouds of tags added by multiple users

  Files folder image Multibyte Keyword Generator  
Author: Peter Kahl <e-mail contact>
Extract meta keywords from multi-byte texts

  Files folder image My Wordpress Crawler Plugin  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 6
Author: Mr.shaggyy83 <e-mail contact>
Block bots that do not benefit WordPress sites

  Files folder image My WordPress Plugin List  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2022
Number 3
Author: Hillary Kollan <e-mail contact>
WordPress plugins for several purposes

  Files folder image MySite with Wikipedia  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and edit content from Wikipedia sites

  Files folder image MySQL Slideshow  
Author: Barton Phillips <e-mail contact>
Present slideshow from images listed in a database

  Files folder image myYouYube  
Author: José Augusto Ferreira Franco <e-mail contact>
Manage and display videos from YouTube

  Files folder image Narkoza Project Manager  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2005
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Voznyak Nazar <e-mail contact>
Project management system application

  Files folder image Navelo CMS  
Author: invitro <e-mail contact>
A complete Content Management System

  Files folder image NBBS Wizard  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2005
Number 8

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Chris Ravenscroft <e-mail contact>
Create installation wizard pages

  Files folder image News Box  
Author: Russell Nash <e-mail contact>
Display random news items stored in a file

  Files folder image News Script  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2008
Number 10
Author: Andrew <e-mail contact>
Manage and publish news stored in a MySQL database

  Files folder image News Slider  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2005
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Martin Samler <e-mail contact>
Show news from RSS feeds as auto-updated images

  Files folder image NewWay PHP File Manager  
Author: naveen <e-mail contact>
Manage files and directories with AJAX interface

  Files folder image Noblesse CMS  
Author: Minh Tien <e-mail contact>
Content management system with custom plugins

  Files folder image Node Tree  
Author: Marko Tapio Manninen <e-mail contact>
Manipulate an hierarchy of objects in a database

  Files folder image noSQL Packages  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2015
Number 13
Author: Dave Smith <e-mail contact>
Manage the approval of packages stored in files

  Files folder image Noter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2016
Number 9

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Martin Latter <e-mail contact>
Create and manage notes shared between users

  Files folder image Notes  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2010
Number 5
Author: Michael J. Fuhrman <e-mail contact>
AJAX based notes editor

  Files folder image Obanner  
Author: Abdulrahman Muhammad <e-mail contact>
Display image banners during a period

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