PHP Classes

Classes: Content management

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Content management

Components and tools to manage content.

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  1 - 20   ...   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   ...   480 - 485  
  Files folder image Laravel Nova Log Viewer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2019
Number 3
Author: Nyi Nyi Lwin <e-mail contact>
Display information about logs in Laravel Nova

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Map Field  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Display a map field in a Laravel Nova panel

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Paypal  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Show Paypal account transactions in Laravel Nova

  Files folder image Laravel Nova PHP...  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Embed an audio player to play a Soundcloud track

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Quick View  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
September 2022
Author: Nyi Nyi Lwin <e-mail contact>
Generate the output for Laravel Nova fields

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Toggle Field...  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Output HTML for a Laravel Nova toggle switch field

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Toggle Switch  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Provides a toggle control to use in Laravel Nova

  Files folder image Laravel Nova Twitter Timeline  
Author: Naif Alshaye <e-mail contact>
Show a Twitter user timeline in Laravel Nova

  Files folder image Laravel Pages Package  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2021
Number 6
Author: Moamen Eltouny <e-mail contact>
Provides pages to be associated with model objects

  Files folder image Laravel PHP Bible  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2019
Number 6
Author: Zacchaeus Bolaji <e-mail contact>
Retrieve content from the Holy Bible

  Files folder image Laravel Rackbeat...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2022
Number 7
Author: Stefan Ninic <e-mail contact>
Show a dashboard with integrations with Rackbeat

  Files folder image Laravel Todo App  
Author: Ahmed Khan <e-mail contact>
Manage lists of tasks to be done by the users

  Files folder image Leaflet PHP MySQL Map  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2017
Number 6
Author: Haseeb Ahmad Basil <e-mail contact>
Manage a Leaflet based map with locations in MySQL

  Files folder image libSiteMessage  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 8
Author: Cornelius Bolten <e-mail contact>
Web based messaging system for community sites

  Files folder image Link Collector  
Author: Viggo Brandsli <e-mail contact>
Automatic generator of sites of links

  Files folder image Link Library  
Author: Mick Sear <e-mail contact>
Manage collections of URLs stored in a database

  Files folder image Linkedin public profile...  
Author: Ketil Stadskleiv <e-mail contact>
Link to Linkedin public profile in Serendipity

  Files folder image mabp::tagCloud  
Author: CTAPbIu_MABP <e-mail contact>
Display tag clouds from a list of tag names

  Files folder image MadLibs  
Author: Andrew Collington <e-mail contact>
Add a 'madlibs' game to your Web site.

  Files folder image Make Banner Class  
Author: Dave Smith <e-mail contact>
Configure and generate graphical banners

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