PHP Classes

Classes: Content management

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Content management

Components and tools to manage content.

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  1 - 20   ...   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   ...   480 - 485  
  Files folder image Grider  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2005
Number 4

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Andrey Pankov <e-mail contact>
Visual editor for creating HTML tables

  Files folder image GSM  
Author: Isaac Scott <e-mail contact>
Generate a site map from list of server side files

  Files folder image Guestbook v1  
Author: Tom Taylor <e-mail contact>
Post and display comments in a guestbook

  Files folder image Guestbooks  
Author: Frederik Yssing <e-mail contact>
Manage guestbooks or simple blogs using MySQL

  Files folder image H2OGame PHP Game Engine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2021
Number 6
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Application to manage an online games platform

  Files folder image Heloise Laravel Blog Package  
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Simple blog system with comments and RSS feed

  Files folder image HTMLfee  
Author: Christian Smietana <e-mail contact>
Generate and maintain web pages

  Files folder image Ilk Wordpress Custom Post...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2021
Number 8
Author: Carlos Artur Curvelo da Matos <e-mail contact>
Register new WordPress post types and taxonomies

  Files folder image Image Banner Class  
Author: Usman Didi Khamdani <e-mail contact>
Display rotating banners from a MySQL database

  Files folder image Image File Browser  
Author: Panos Kyriakakis <e-mail contact>
Browse and choose images without page reloading

  Files folder image Image Gallery  
Author: Md. Aminul Islam <e-mail contact>
Show a gallery of pictures defined in a database

  Files folder image Image SQL manager  
Author: Tiana Rakoto <e-mail contact>
Display and store images in a MySQL database

  Files folder image Imeem  
Author: Nemanja Avramovic <e-mail contact>
Embed songs from in Web pages

  Files folder image img2MySQL  
Author: Can Ince <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve image files in a MySQL database

  Files folder image imGallery  
Author: Arkadiusz Malinski <e-mail contact>
Show galleries of images stored on the server

  Files folder image ImgBrowz0r  
Author: Frank Smit <e-mail contact>
Display galleries of images stored in files

  Files folder image Import templates  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Import data about templates

  Files folder image IMT Internet Minimalism...  
Author: Alexander Eist <e-mail contact>
Publish content read from directory files

  Files folder image Indexer  
Author: Saravana kumar.A <e-mail contact>
Browse, view and download files

  Files folder image Installation Automation  
Author: Bogdan Lupandin <e-mail contact>
Automate multi-step application installations

  1 - 27   ...   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   217 - 243   244 - 270   ...   459 - 485  
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