PHP Classes

Classes: Content management

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Content management

Components and tools to manage content.

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  1 - 20   ...   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   ...   480 - 485  
  Files folder image Maniruzzaman WordPress...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 6
Author: Maniruzzaman Akash <e-mail contact>
WordPress plugin for visual front-end development

  Files folder image Melis CMS  
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Content management system that provides its tools

  Files folder image Melis CMS Page JavaScript...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2022
Number 4
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Add custom assets to a site using Melis CMS

  Files folder image Melis CMS Prospects  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Melis CMS module to track business prospects

  Files folder image Melis PHP CMS Analytics by...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2022
Number 5
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Melis CMS module to provide page access statistics

  Files folder image Melis PHP CMS Engine  
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Engine to manage the content page data

  Files folder image Melis PHP CMS Skeleton  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2019
Number 10
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Setup the Melis CMS application on a given domain

  Files folder image Melis PHP Dashboard Plugin...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2021
Number 5
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Plugin to create dashboards for the Melis platform

  Files folder image Melis Templating Plugin...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2022
Number 8
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Create page template plugins for the Melis CMS

  Files folder image Melis Tool Creator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2022
Number 3
Author: Fabrice Fesch <e-mail contact>
Module for the Melis CMS to create tools

  Files folder image MH_Widget  
Author: Matteo Hertel <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML for embedded widgets from parameters

  Files folder image Mini Gallery  
Author: Dave <e-mail contact>
Show galleries of images

  Files folder image Minimalist PHP Sales Site  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2022
Number 9
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Implement a sales site from configuration files

  Files folder image miwo WordPress FTP Plugin  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2023
Number 8
Author: Joko Prasetyo <e-mail contact>
WordPress plugin to upload and manage files

  Files folder image ML_Cal  
Author: scott barrow <e-mail contact>
Generate month calendars denoting event dates

  Files folder image Moving List  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio by Zend
Author: Filippo Toso <e-mail contact>
Create select inputs and move items between them

  Files folder image MRU manager  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2011
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Author: Alexander Selifonov <e-mail contact>
Manage most recently user items in a MySQL table

  Files folder image Msalsas PHP Voting System...  
Author: Manolo Salsas <e-mail contact>
Symfony bundle to manage votes of users on content

  Files folder image mtube  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2021
Author: Nyi Nyi Lwin <e-mail contact>
Application to share videos between users

  Files folder image Multi-format calendar class  
Author: Dan Bemowski <e-mail contact>
Display calendars in multiple formats

  1 - 27   ...   190 - 216   217 - 243   244 - 270   271 - 297   298 - 324   325 - 351   ...   459 - 485  
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