Classes of Dave Smith

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Picture of Dave Smith
Name: Dave Smith is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Dave Smith .
Classes: 51
Country: United States United States
Age: 56
All time rank: 688 in United States United States
Week rank: 5 Up1 in United States United States Up
All time users: 22866
Week users: 52
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 32x

Winner: 7x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Amp Frame  
MVC framework for developing Web applications

  Files folder image Coin Layer PHP...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2018
Number 7
Get the exchange rates for crypto currencies

  Files folder image Convert HTML to PDF PHP...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2016
Number 7
Convert HTML to PDF using pdflayer API

  Files folder image everSign PHP Document Signing  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2017
Digital signature of PDF documents with everSign

  Files folder image Free Phone Number...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2015
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Verify phone numbers of many countries

  Files folder image ghostHash  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2016
Number 5
Generate and verify quick and strong key hashes

  Files folder image HTML Parser  
Parse HTML using DOMDocument

  Files folder image Image Key Cypher  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2017

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Encrypt and decrypt text using images for the key

  Files folder image JSON DB Project  
Create and manage database stored in JSON files

  Files folder image Lucky Numbers  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2015
Number 9
Generate numbers from text using numerology

  Files folder image Make Banner Class  
Configure and generate graphical banners

  Files folder image MediaStack Live PHP News...  
Get the news from around the world with MediaStack

  Files folder image noSQL Packages  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2015
Number 13
Manage the approval of packages stored in files

  Files folder image PHP Address Autocomplete...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2017
Number 2
Authenticate and autocomplete street addresses

  Files folder image PHP Address Formatter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2015
Number 5

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Format postal address according to country rules

  Files folder image PHP Apriori Algorithm Data...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 4
Reduce a set of transactions to a smaller group

  Files folder image PHP AutoSave Form Draft  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 5
Save form input values in browser storage as draft

  Files folder image PHP Convert Video to GIF  
Convert a video file to animated GIF with giflayer

  Files folder image PHP CSV to Data Dictionary  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2015

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Generate data dictionary from CSV file

  Files folder image PHP Deprecated Function...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2015
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Find deprecated functions and suggest replacements

  Files folder image PHP dotGo Engine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2015
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Interact with SMS messages sent to your site

  Files folder image PHP Email Validation Quality  
Validate email address and compute quality score

  Files folder image PHP Exchange Rate API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2016
Number 14
Get exchange rate for currency and precious metals

  Files folder image PHP Exchange Rates  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2021
Get currency exchange rates from ExchangeRates API

  Files folder image PHP Flight Schedules  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2020
Number 5
Get real time flight schedules using aviationStack

  Files folder image PHP Geo Location by...  
Find the geographical location by remote IP Number

  Files folder image PHP Geolocation API...  
Get the geographic location of a site with ipStack

  Files folder image PHP Get Currency Rates...  
Convert currency amounts at present and past times

  Files folder image PHP Hulu Video  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 5
Generate HTML to embed Hulu videos in Web pages

  Files folder image PHP IP Geolocation API Wrapper  
Get IP address location or country information

  Files folder image PHP Language Detection Library  
Detect the language of a text using APILayer

  Files folder image PHP MLM Tree Binary Plan  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2015
Number 8
Manage members of a MLM tree binary plan

  Files folder image PHP MySQL to MySQLi  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2015

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Replace mysql functions using the mysqli extension

  Files folder image PHP Paranoid Passcode  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2015

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Generate code and rhythm for user entered password

  Files folder image PHP Plugin System  
Extend functionality using plugin classes

  Files folder image PHP Scrape Stack  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2019
Number 3
Scrape web sites using scrapeStack API

  Files folder image PHP Secret URL Path  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2016

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Authorize access based on user click sequence

  Files folder image PHP Stock Market API  
Get data about stocks using the MarketStack API

  Files folder image PHP Time Dilation  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2015
Number 8
Calculate the time dilation between objects

  Files folder image PHP Touch Swipe Emulator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2016
Number 6
Track swipe events when user moves the mouse

  Files folder image PHP Ultimate Web Page Capture  
Capture Web page as image using ScreenshotLayer

  Files folder image PHP VAT Number Check  
Validate and query VAT related information

  Files folder image PHP Virtual Slot Machine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2015
Number 7

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Emulate a slot machine

  Files folder image Random key value pair...  
Authenticate human users using random value pairs

  Files folder image serpStack PHP Google...  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2019
Perform searches on Google using the serpStack API

  Files folder image Simple PHP Cipher Encryption  
Encrypt and decrypt text by mapping characters

  Files folder image The Gameboard  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2017
Number 2
Implement a board game using the takeover strategy

  Files folder image Traffic Jam  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2016
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Block unwanted bots based on access speed

  Files folder image USDA PHP Nutritional...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2015
Number 10
Retrieve nutritional data from USDA database

  Files folder image userStack  
Analyze the user browser using the userStack API

  Files folder image WeatherStack PHP Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2019
Number 3
Retrieve weather information from WeatherStack API

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For more information send a message to info at phpclasses dot org.