PHP Classes

Classes of Muhammad Umer Farooq

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Muhammad Umer Farooq (52)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Muhammad Umer Farooq
Name: Muhammad Umer Farooq is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Muhammad Umer Farooq .
Classes: 52
Country: Pakistan Pakistan
Age: 22
All time rank: 85811 in Pakistan Pakistan
Week rank: 26 Up1 in Pakistan Pakistan Up
All time users: 3720
Week users: 5
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x
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  Files folder image Lablnet Detect Ad Blockers...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2023
Detect and block browsers using ad blockers

  Files folder image PHP Argon2 Password Verify  
Generate and verify hashed passwords using Argon2

  Files folder image PHP Arithmetic Operations  
Perform calculations with values passed as strings

  Files folder image PHP Array Functions  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2019
Number 5
Determine the type and run other array operations

  Files folder image PHP Autoloader Class  
Load classes automatically from a given directory

  Files folder image PHP Avatar Generator Class  
Generate people's avatar images using their names

  Files folder image PHP Benchmark Timer Class  
Measure the time that passed within a code section

  Files folder image PHP Class Data Structures  
Manipulate data structures using arrays

  Files folder image PHP CLI Calculator Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2018
Number 9
Perform calculations with values from the console

  Files folder image PHP Convert and Time...  
Spell the time difference between now and one day

  Files folder image PHP Cookie Management Class  
Store and retrieve HTTP request cookie values

  Files folder image PHP Cookies  
Set and get cookie values and other parameters

  Files folder image PHP Cryptography class  
Encrypt and decrypt data with different keys

  Files folder image PHP CSRF Token Generation  
Generate tokens to protect against CSRF attacks

  Files folder image PHP DataType class  
Convert XML or object to arrays or array to object

  Files folder image PHP Encryption Library  
Encrypt and decrypt data using adapter classes

  Files folder image PHP File Manipulation Class  
Manipulate files and directories in several ways

  Files folder image PHP Format Date and Byte Count  
Display timestamps and bytes in a readable form

  Files folder image PHP Get Gravatar URL  
Get the HTML to show an user image from Gravatar

  Files folder image PHP HTTP Client Request  
Process and send HTTP requests to Web servers

  Files folder image PHP Identicon  
Generate an identicon image for a text string

  Files folder image PHP Image Manipulation Class  
Manipulate images in several ways

  Files folder image PHP Information Page  
Show details of the current PHP environment

  Files folder image PHP Input Class  
Process the current HTTP request values

  Files folder image PHP Language Selector class  
Get texts for the current language from globals

  Files folder image PHP Logger class  
Log messages with different levels of severity

  Files folder image PHP Mail Class  
Compose and send email using mail function or SMTP

  Files folder image PHP Minify HTML CSS JS  
Compress Web files removing unnecessary text

  Files folder image PHP MySQL Manipulation Class  
Compose and execute MySQL queries using PDO

  Files folder image PHP OS Class  
Determine the server operating system type

  Files folder image PHP Pagination class  
Generate HTML to display links for pagination

  Files folder image PHP Pass Manipulation Class  
Generate and validate passwords using hashes

  Files folder image PHP Read More  
Cut a text to be displayed partially up to a limit

  Files folder image PHP Reverse Array or String  
Get the reverse of strings and arrays

  Files folder image PHP Screenshot URL Handler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2018
Number 2

Prize: One big elePHPant Plush Mascott
Manipulate URLs and capture a screenshot of a page

  Files folder image PHP Session Handler Class  
Store and retrieve session values

  Files folder image PHP SFTP Library  
Access FTP and SFTP servers to transfer files

  Files folder image PHP Simple Cache Library  
Access data in different types of cache containers

  Files folder image PHP Site URL  
Get URLs related with the current request site

  Files folder image PHP String class  
Convert and replace text strings

  Files folder image PHP SysMsg Class  
Output application event messages

  Files folder image PHP Template Engine Class  
Process template files by replacing variable marks

  Files folder image PHP User Information Class  
Get details of the user accessing the current page

  Files folder image PHP Validation  
Validate request values according to given rules

  Files folder image PHP Very Simple MVC  
Framework to route requests to controller classes

  Files folder image PHP ZIP Handler Class  
Create and extract ZIP files with compressed data

  Files folder image What is My Browser  
Show the details of the current user browser

  Files folder image Whoops  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2019
Number 5

Prize: One official elePHPant Plush Mascott
Handle PHP errors integrating with code editors

  Files folder image Zest  
Application to show the use of the Zest framework

  Files folder image Zest PHP Archive Files  
Compress and decompress of data from files

  Files folder image Zest PHP Framework...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2021
Number 5

Prize: One year server license IP to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code database
Manage the installation of Zest components

  Files folder image Zest PHP Router Library  
Configure URL routes and dispatch HTTP requests

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