PHP Classes

Classes: Cryptography

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Encrypting, decrypting and hashing data.

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  1 - 20   ...   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   ...   240 - 241  
  Files folder image PHP Obfuscate  
Author: Rafael Espinosa <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate PHP encrypting the source code

  Files folder image PHP OpenSSL Encrypt and...  
Author: Martin Latter <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt file data using OpenSSL

  Files folder image PHP OpenSSL Encrypt Decrypt  
Author: akeel <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data using the OpenSSL

  Files folder image PHP OpenSSL Proxy  
Author: Adão Pedro <e-mail contact>
Manage certificates and encrypt data using OpenSSL

  Files folder image PHP OpenSSL Toolbox  
Author: Kjell-Inge Gustafsson <e-mail contact>
Use SSL certificates to process data with OpenSSL

  Files folder image PHP PASeTo  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2020
Number 13
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with PaSeTO protocol

  Files folder image PHP Password Hash Generator  
Author: Boss Ibrahim Mussa <e-mail contact>
Generate password, salt and hash for the password

  Files folder image PHP Password Lock  
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Hash and encrypt passwords with Bcrypt and SHA2

  Files folder image PHP Project JWT  
Author: Hicri <e-mail contact>
REST API example to perform user login operations

  Files folder image PHP Quill  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2022
Number 3
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Write data to a Chronicle server using encryption

  Files folder image PHP Random Bytes  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2015
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Martin Latter <e-mail contact>
Generate cryptographically strong random bytes

  Files folder image PHP Rijndael Encryption  
Author: philip njuguna <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with Rijndael 256

  Files folder image PHP Rijndael OpenSSL  
Author: Antonio Leiva <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data using Rijndael algorithm

  Files folder image PHP RSA Encryption  
Author: Dmitry Mamontov <e-mail contact>
Generate RSA keys and encrypt data using OpenSSL

  Files folder image PHP Secure Chat  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2017
Number 12

Prize: One ebook of choice by Packt
Author: Martin Latter <e-mail contact>
Chat box between users using encrypted messages

  Files folder image PHP Seed Spring  
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Generate 128 bit pseudo-random numbers

  Files folder image PHP Seeder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2022
Number 7
Author: Sergey Kol'miller <e-mail contact>
Return a seed string from the user browser details

  Files folder image PHP SHA3, SHA512, SHA384,...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2020
Number 8
Author: Jose Luis Lucas <e-mail contact>
PHP implementation of the SHA hashing algorithms

  Files folder image PHP Simple Encryption and...  
Author: John Conde <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data

  Files folder image PHP Sodium Compat  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2017
Number 8
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Cryptographic functions of libsodium in pure PHP

  1 - 27   28 - 54   55 - 81   82 - 108   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   217 - 241  
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