PHP Classes

PHP Password Lock: Hash and encrypt passwords with Bcrypt and SHA2

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  Author Author  
Name: Scott Arciszewski <contact>
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Country: United States United States
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This class can hash and encrypt passwords with Bcrypt and SHA2.

It can take a given password string and creates a hash with SHA384 and then encrypts it with Bcrypt.

The class can also take a given password and the previously encrypted password with this class and can decrypt the encrypted version to check if the password is correct by verifying the hashes.


Password Lock

MIT Licensed - feel free to use to enhance the security of any of your PHP projects

Wraps Bcrypt-SHA384 in Authenticated Encryption. Published by Paragon Initiative Enteprises. Check out our other open source projects too.

Depends on defuse/php-encryption for authenticated symmetric-key encryption.

How is this different than "peppering"?

Peppering strategies are usually accomplished through a keyed hash function (e.g. HMAC-SHA256) and applies to the password before it's passed to the salted hash API (i.e. bcrypt). If your pepper/HMAC key is ever compromised, you have to reset every user's password and it becomes a headache.

A hash then encrypt strategy offers agility; if your secret key is compromised (but, miraculously, the hashes are not), you can decrypt all of your users' hashes then re-encrypt them with a new key and they'll never suffer the inconvenience of an unscheduled password reset.

How much more secure is this than just using bcrypt?

  • You don't have to worry about the 72 character limit for bcrypt
  • You don't have to worry about accidentally creating a null-byte truncation vulnerability
  • If your database gets hacked, and your database is on a separate machine from your webserver, the attacker has to first decrypt the hashes before attempting to crack any of them.

Here's a proof-of-concept for the first two points.

But realistically, this library is only about as a secure as bcrypt.

Usage Examples

Hash Password, Encrypt Hash, Authenticate Ciphertext

use \ParagonIE\PasswordLock\PasswordLock;
use \Defuse\Crypto\Key;

$key = Key::createNewRandomKey();
if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
    if (!is_string($_POST['password'])) {
        die("Password must be a string");
    $storeMe = PasswordLock::hashAndEncrypt($_POST['password'], $key);

Verify MAC, Decrypt Ciphertext, Verify Password

if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
    if (!is_string($_POST['password'])) {
        die("Password must be a string");
    if (PasswordLock::decryptAndVerify($_POST['password'], $storeMe, $key)) {
        // Success!

Re-encrypt a hash with a different encryption key

$newKey = \Defuse\Crypto\Key::createNewRandomKey();
$newHash = PasswordLock::rotateKey($storeMe, $key, $newKey);

Migrate from Version 1 of the library

$newHash = PasswordLock::upgradeFromVersion1(

Support Contracts

If your company uses this library in their products or services, you may be interested in purchasing a support contract from Paragon Initiative Enterprises.

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Name: PHP Password Lock
Base name: password_lock
Description: Hash and encrypt passwords with Bcrypt and SHA2
Version: -
PHP version: 5
License: MIT/X Consortium License
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