PHP Classes

Classes of Hicri

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Hicri (26)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Hicri
Name: Hicri <contact>
Classes: 26
Country: Turkey Turkey
Age: 30
All time rank: 292148 in Turkey Turkey
Week rank: 11 Up2 in Turkey Turkey Up
All time users: 661
Week users: 6
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image BTCTurk PHP API  
Get currency exchange rates with API

  Files folder image HelpMate  
Example of a Laravel helper class

  Files folder image Laravel Make Service Command  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2023
Number 7
Generate a command service from a stub class

  Files folder image Laravel Phone Validation  
Laravel service to validate phone numbers

  Files folder image Laravel Service Provider...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2022
Number 2
Create a service and a command from a helper class

  Files folder image Laravel Swagger Sanctum  
Product management application with an API

  Files folder image Laravel Swagger UI  
Provides a Web-based user interface to Swagger API

  Files folder image Laravel URL Shortener  
Create and manipulate short URLs using API

  Files folder image Livescore PHP Service  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2023
Number 8
Retrieve live results of football games

  Files folder image NBA PHP API Balldontlie...  
Get NBA games and players with Balldontlie API

  Files folder image PHP CovalentHQ Service  
Access blockchain data points using CovalentHQ API

  Files folder image PHP Etherscan API Service  
Access virtual coin transactions of

  Files folder image PHP HTTP Request Build  
Build and send HTTP requests from parameters

  Files folder image PHP Image Unsplash Service  
Retrieve Unsplash service photos and statistics

  Files folder image PHP IMDB Grabber  
Get details about movie titles on the IMDB site

  Files folder image PHP Imdb Service  
Get information about movies from the IMDB site

  Files folder image PHP MySQL Connectors  
Execute MySQL and PostGreSQL queries using PDO

  Files folder image PHP MySQL Query Builder Class  
Compose and execute SQL queries on MySQL using PDO

  Files folder image PHP MySQL REST API Generator  
Provides an API to access MySQL tables with models

  Files folder image PHP Project JWT  
REST API example to perform user login operations

  Files folder image PHP REST API Example  
Example API that performs CRUD operations

  Files folder image Qwerty PHP TMDB API  
Retrieve movie information with the TMDB API

  Files folder image Theme CLI  
Change the frontend theme in a Laravel project

  Files folder image Veriphone PHP Phone Number...  
Check if a phone number is valid with Verifone API

  Files folder image WhoAmI  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2024
Get IP address information using the WhoAmI API

  Files folder image Yapikredi PHP Posnet Service  
Process payment requests using the Posnet API

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