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Top rated classes: Cryptography

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  All class groups  >  Cryptography  >  Top rated classes (52)  

Top rated classes: Cryptography

Encrypting, decrypting and hashing data.

  Files folder image 1. AES 128  
Author: Jose Manuel Busto <e-mail contact>
A pure PHP AES 128 encryption implementation

  Files folder image 2. BmpCrypt  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2005
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Chao-Chyuan Shih <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data hidden in bitmap image

  Files folder image 3. Secure hash based encryption  
Author: Marc Wöhlken <e-mail contact>
Blockcipher encryption with PHP hash functions

  Files folder image 4. gnuPG class  
Author: Enrique Garcia M. <e-mail contact>
Encrypt data and manipulate keys using gnuPG

  Files folder image 5. EFC/XFSS - Extended File Stealth System  
Author: Lopo Lencastre de Almeida <e-mail contact>
Protecting uploaded files using cryptography

  Files folder image 6. Encryption Class  
Author: sudhir vishwakarma <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with mcrypt

  Files folder image 7. GNU pgp  
Author: Rodrigo Z. Armond <e-mail contact>
Manipulate messages and encryption keys with PGP

  Files folder image 8. Stegger  
Author: Warren Smith <e-mail contact>
Hide encrypted data in images using steganography

  Files folder image 9. AES Cipher  
Author: Marcin Wisniowski <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with AES in pure PHP

  Files folder image 10. PHPSecureURL  
Author: pascal CASENOVE <e-mail contact>
hide link parameters

  Files folder image 11. Data Transmission Shield  
Author: Oliver Lillie <e-mail contact>
Protects data passed between pages

  Files folder image 12. RSA  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 7
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with RSA public keys

  Files folder image 13. SSH in PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2005
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Martin Filip <e-mail contact>
SSH client implementation in pure PHP

  Files folder image 14. No Spam class  
Author: Marco van Oostende <e-mail contact>
Prevent robot spamming through web forms

  Files folder image 15. Perfect Crypt Class  
Author: Igor Ribeiro de Assis <e-mail contact>
Symetric encryption of data using only PHP code

  Files folder image 16. Secure URL 2.0  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Encrypt the parameters passed in link URLs

  Files folder image 17. My Session  
Author: Ska-Man <e-mail contact>
Database based session management

  Files folder image 18. UID  
Author: Zafar Iqbal <e-mail contact>
Generate unique identifier using SHA1 algorithm

  Files folder image 19. Secure Session Class  
Author: Mike Frank <e-mail contact>
Set and get session variables using encryption

  Files folder image 20. securityAuthParam  
Author: Marcelo Costa <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and verify URL parameters

  Files folder image 21. Simple Authentication and Security Layer  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Single API for standard authentication mechanisms

  Files folder image 22. Cryptography  
Author: Chuck P <e-mail contact>
Symmetric Block Cipher Using Binary XOR

  Files folder image 23. Crypt Class PHP  
Author: Chris Nizz <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data using Rijndael 256 cypher

  Files folder image 24. OpenSSLCrypt  
Author: David Balatero <e-mail contact>
Encrypts and decrypts using an RSA key pair.

  Files folder image 25. Secrypt  
Author: Warren Smith <e-mail contact>
Data encryption with private and public keys

  Files folder image 26. CAST 128 Encryption and Decryption  
Author: Devin Doucette <e-mail contact>
A pure PHP CAST 128 encryption implementation

  Files folder image 27. GNUPG  
Author: Max Derkachev <e-mail contact>
A class for encrypting messages using GNU Privacy Guard.

  Files folder image 28. EnDe  
Author: Johan De Klerk <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt text with the mcrypt extension

  Files folder image 29. AzDGCrypt  
Author: AzDG <e-mail contact>
Small, simple and powerfull crypt&decrypt class

  Files folder image 30. Crypt Class  
Author: Jason Sheets <e-mail contact>
True Data Encryption and Decryption Class

  Files folder image 31. Cookie Management Class  
Author: Bob Dole <e-mail contact>
Manipulate information stored in cookies

  Files folder image 32. Encrypt MD5 64  
Author: agus hariyanto <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data using MD5 digest of a key

  Files folder image 33. securepwd  
Author: Llorenç Herrera <e-mail contact>
Checks wether a password is secure enough

  Files folder image 34. clsCookie  
Author: Ronald Zeus <e-mail contact>
Pass values between pages using encrypted cookies

  Files folder image 35. Secure Cookie  
Author: Aikar <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve data in encrypted cookies

  Files folder image 36. ctlCipherSaber  
Author: Emilis Dambauskas <e-mail contact>
RC4 aka CipherSaber (v1&2) encryption/decryption

  Files folder image 37. gEncrypter  
Author: Giulio Bai <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt text with pure PHP using a key

  Files folder image 38. Anti_Mcrypt  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2009
Number 10
Author: Christian <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data using mcrypt

  Files folder image 39. Crypter  
Author: Patxi Echarte <e-mail contact>
Class to crypt and decrypt data

  Files folder image 40. EncDec  
Author: Al Rankin <e-mail contact>
Encryption and decryption of strings of data

  Files folder image 41. TOTAL URLEncrypt  
Author: BasicA <e-mail contact>
This is a simple library to allow the total or 90% encryption of a URL not like the urlencode and rawurlencode which can become rather problematic at times.

  Files folder image 42. Encryption  
Author: HAMMAD <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypts text with pure PHP

  Files folder image 43. URL Encoder  
Author: Jason Browatzke <e-mail contact>
Encode data to pass securely between two pages

  Files folder image 44. AzDGPasswordGenerator  
Author: AzDG <e-mail contact>
For generate passwords

  Files folder image 45. Encrypt and Decrypt any string  
Author: Heriberto Mantilla Santamaría <e-mail contact>
Encode and decode text strings with random keys

  Files folder image 46. Gnpasswd  
Author: André Cupini <e-mail contact>
Generate rand password

  Files folder image 47. encrypt.lib  
Author: BasicA <e-mail contact>
Encryption library for php

  Files folder image 48. Passwd  
Author: Eric Renfro <e-mail contact>
Unix-style CRYPT_MD5 PHP class.

  Files folder image 49. Mail Riddler  
Author: Jan Paepke <e-mail contact>
Encode email addresses in pages to stop harvesting

  Files folder image 50. SourceEncrypt  
Author: C. Althammer <e-mail contact>
MD5 encrypting specified words of source code

  Files folder image 51. PHP MD5 Decrypter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Decrypt MD5 password and hashes with MD5Decryter

  Files folder image 52. Encode Cookie  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Manage information stored in encrypted cookies

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