PHP Classes

Classes: Cryptography

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Encrypting, decrypting and hashing data.

  A   B   C   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y  
  1 - 20   ...   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 241  
  Files folder image Ristretto PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 6
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Manipulate values in type safe way using classes

  Files folder image RSA  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 7
Author: Khaled Al-Shamaa <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with RSA public keys

  Files folder image sapient  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2017
Author: Scott Arciszewski <e-mail contact>
Add a security layer to server to server requests

  Files folder image Scramble Eggs  
Author: Robert Amigura <e-mail contact>
Scramble text adding fake characters

  Files folder image Scyth  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2015
Number 11

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Alex Lushpai <e-mail contact>
Encrypt data with PBKDF2 and Ceasar in pure PHP

  Files folder image Secrypt  
Author: Warren Smith <e-mail contact>
Data encryption with private and public keys

  Files folder image secShield  
Author: Tiago Night <e-mail contact>
Encrypt parameters passed between pages

  Files folder image Secure Cookie  
Author: Aikar <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve data in encrypted cookies

  Files folder image Secure Data  
Author: Peeyush Budhia <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt data with mcrypt Rijndael 256

  Files folder image Secure hash based encryption  
Author: Marc Wöhlken <e-mail contact>
Blockcipher encryption with PHP hash functions

  Files folder image Secure MD5  
Author: Hossam Suliman <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate a MD5 hash with a salt value

  Files folder image Secure Password  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generating and check password hashes

  Files folder image Secure Password Generation...  
Author: Ole Aass <e-mail contact>
Create and validate password hashes

  Files folder image Secure Session Class  
Author: Mike Frank <e-mail contact>
Set and get session variables using encryption

  Files folder image Secure SQLite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2011
Number 8

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: Sven Dunemann <e-mail contact>
Access encrypted SQLite database files

  Files folder image Secure URL 2.0  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Encrypt the parameters passed in link URLs

  Files folder image securepwd  
Author: Outdated profile <e-mail contact>
Checks wether a password is secure enough

  Files folder image securityAuthParam  
Author: Marcelo Costa <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and verify URL parameters

  Files folder image Sencryption  
Author: Sildaekar Decrura <e-mail contact>
Encrypt, decrypt and hash arbitrary data

  Files folder image Serial Number Scrambler  
Author: ben bi <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt serial numbers

  1 - 27   28 - 54   55 - 81   82 - 108   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   217 - 241  
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