PHP Classes

Classes: Email

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Email sending and receiving.

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  1 - 20   ...   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   ...   300 - 304  
  Files folder image Mime Mailer  
Author: david kargl <e-mail contact>
Send text and HTML email messages with attachments

  Files folder image mimedecode.php  
Author: akan <e-mail contact>
PHP MIME message decoder.

  Files folder image MIMEMail  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Send via SMTP a MIME message with attached files

  Files folder image MixMail  
Author: Luis Toscano <e-mail contact>
Send email to multiple addresses using templates

  Files folder image MMail  
Author: Fadil Kujundzic <e-mail contact>
Compose and send text or HTML e-mail messages

  Files folder image MorphForm  
Author: Shawn Conlin <e-mail contact>
Form processing class

  Files folder image MSNStatus  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the status of MSN account

  Files folder image ms_dbx_reader  
Author: tony <e-mail contact>
MS Outlook DBX(mails) file reader

  Files folder image Multi-Anexos  
Author: Giovanni Ramos <e-mail contact>
Compose and send e-mail messages with attachments

  Files folder image My HTML Mail  
Author: Ehsun Behravesh <e-mail contact>
Send HTML mail messages with attachments

  Files folder image MySQL Backup FTP and Email  
Author: Pratik Darji <e-mail contact>
Send MySQL backup file by email or to a FTP server

  Files folder image Newsletter Queue  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2008
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: solomongaby <e-mail contact>
Queue newsletters in MySQL for delivering later

  Files folder image Nomad MIME Mail  
Author: Alejandro García González <e-mail contact>
A class for sending MIME e-mail whit SMTP Support

  Files folder image OE generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 9

Prize: One copy of the Maguma Workbench
Author: Emilio Rodriguez <e-mail contact>
Generate Outlook Express configuration files

  Files folder image Open Inviter  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2008

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Open Inviter <e-mail contact>
Get contacts of friends of different networks

  Files folder image OpenCart Order Email Template  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2016
Number 10

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Istvan Dobrentei <e-mail contact>
Generate OpenCart HTML message templates

  Files folder image Parse importer  
Author: Oliver Leuyim Angel <e-mail contact>
Import email addresses into a MySQL database

  Files folder image Parse Mail  
Author: Frank Rust <e-mail contact>
Parse the headers and bodies of e-mail messages

  Files folder image PayPal Request Money  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2012

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Mubashir Ali <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail to request a payment via Paypal

  Files folder image Pepo Campaing  
Author: Ricardo Merino <e-mail contact>
Manage user lists of PepoCampaigns mailings

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