PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Oliver Leuyim Angel

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Name: Oliver Leuyim Angel <contact> Oliver Leuyim Angel Google profile
Classes: 7
Country: Mexico Mexico
Age: 30
All time rank: 120112 in Mexico Mexico
Week rank: 1203 Down17 in Mexico Mexico Down
All time users: 2504
Week users: 0
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  Files folder image Forms on the go  
Create forms to insert or update MySQL records

  Files folder image Parse importer  
Import email addresses into a MySQL database

  Files folder image PayU Button generator  
Generate payment buttons for PayU system

  Files folder image PHP Antihack Environment  
Check request values to detect hacking attempts

  Files folder image PHP Cron Admin  
Schedule jobs stored in files and MySQL

  Files folder image PHP Unique ID  
Generate a unique identifier of the current access

  Files folder image SEO keywords suggest  
Extract relevant keywords from Web pages

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