PHP Classes

Open Inviter: Get contacts of friends of different networks

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Name: Open Inviter <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x

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This package can be use to get the contacts of friends of different e-mail providers and social networks.

It can access the Web services servers of different networks to retrieve the contacts of friends of a given user.

Each network is accessed by the means of plug-in classes. Some plug-ins support sending invitation messages to friends to be added to the user contacts.

Currently it comes with plug-ins that support many networks such as:

* GMail
* Windows Live (Hotmail)
* Katamail
* Lycos
* Rediff
* Yahoo!
* Yandex
* Facebook
* Hi5
* LinkedIn
* MySpace
* Orkut
* Twitter

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Name: Open Inviter
Base name: openinviter
Description: Get contacts of friends of different networks
Version: 1.6.2
PHP version: 5.0
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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Group folder image Social Networking Tools and components to integrate with social networking sites View top rated classes

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2008

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Retrieving the contacts of users is often used by social networks and similar sites to get viral by attracting the users' friends.

This class provides an extensive solution to retrieve the contacts of users from many social networks and instant messaging networks, as well also takes care of sending invitations by e-mails to the users' contacts.

Manuel Lemos

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageOpenInviter (6 files, 1 directory)

  Files folder image Files  /  OpenInviter  
File Role Description
Files folder imageplugins (20 files)
  Accessible without login Plain text file auto_updater.php Aux. Auto-Update script
  Accessible without login Plain text file config.php Conf. Configuration file
  Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example Implementation example
  Plain text file openinviter.php Class Buffer class for instantiating plugins
  Plain text file openinviter_base.php Class Base class
  Accessible without login Plain text file postinstall.php Test Benchmark system for OpenInviter use - run after deploying OpenInviter to your server

  Files folder image Files  /  OpenInviter  /  plugins  
File Role Description
  Plain text file aol.php Class AOL plugin
  Plain text file facebook.php Class FaceBook Plugin
  Plain text file friendster.php Class Friendster Plugin
  Plain text file gmail.php Class GMail plugin
  Plain text file gmx_net.php Class plugin
  Plain text file hi5.php Class Hi5 plugin
  Plain text file hotmail.php Class Live/Hotmail plugin
  Plain text file katamail.php Class KataMail plugin
  Plain text file linkedin.php Class LinkedIn plugin
  Plain text file lycos.php Class Lycos plugin
  Plain text file mail_com.php Class plugin
  Plain text file mail_ru.php Class plugin
  Plain text file myspace.php Class MySpace plugin
  Plain text file operamail.php Class Get the contacts from an OperaMail account
  Plain text file orkut.php Class Orkut plugin
  Plain text file rambler.php Class plugin
  Plain text file rediff.php Class Rediff plugin
  Plain text file twitter.php Class Twitter plugin
  Plain text file yahoo.php Class Yahoo plugin
  Plain text file yandex.php Class Yandex plugin

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