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Classes: Email

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  All class groups  >  Email (235)  >  Top rated classes  


Email sending and receiving.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   K   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   X   Y  
  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   220 - 235  
  Files folder image ABG_SMTPMail  
Author: Gilbert BENABOU <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages via SMTP

  Files folder image activeMailLib  
Author: Giorgos <e-mail contact>
Validate addresses and send email with attachments

  Files folder image ajDbBackup  
Author: Aman Kumar Jain <e-mail contact>
Take a MySQL database backup and send it by e-mail

  Files folder image All In One - dSendMail2  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Mass Send, Attach, Embed, Through SMTP or MAIL()

  Files folder image Anti Spam Bot Email by ASCII  
Author: Behrouz Pooladrag <e-mail contact>
Encode e-mail addresses to avoid harvesters

  Files folder image Anti-Spam  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Protection against e-mail address harvesting

  Files folder image AntiSpam Feedback  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2007
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Verify the e-mail of users sending feedback forms

  Files folder image Arioch Mail  
Author: Massimo Squillace <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages via SMTP

  Files folder image Attach Mailer  
Author: lattuada <e-mail contact>
Send email message with an attached PDF file

  Files folder image Attachment Mailer  
Author: James Calvin Kimble <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages with multiple attached files

  Files folder image Attachment Mailer class  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages with attachment files

  Files folder image Auto-Responder  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2004

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Mail Autoresponder Class

  Files folder image AzDGMailCrypt  
Author: AzDG <e-mail contact>
Very simple, but very powerfull class for mails

  Files folder image a_email  
Author: Tim Ault <e-mail contact>
Validate e-mail addresses

  Files folder image Bounce Handler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Chris Fortune <e-mail contact>
Parse bounced e-mail message reports

  Files folder image CEmailSender  
Author: Jan Šebestyán <e-mail contact>
Compose and send simple text or HTML messages

  Files folder image Check Email  
Author: Edgar <e-mail contact>
Verify whether an e-mail address is valid

  Files folder image Check Mail  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Check the existence of an email address via SMTP

  Files folder image Class Email Sender  
Author: José Augusto Ferreira Franco <e-mail contact>
Validate e-mail addresses and send simple messages

  Files folder image class_email  
Author: Sebastiăo Júnior <e-mail contact>
Simple e-mail address validation

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